Chapter 4 ~ Stalkery

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Ethan's POV

I'm at work just staring at her card, Britney Harris keeps ringing in my ear. I decide to drift away from marking assignments and log in to Facebook. I look her up, what a beautiful girl, a care free spirit it seems. I scroll through her public pics and posts, its mostly just of peoples hair. I so badly want to visit her shop but I think its too soon and also very stalkery. Stuff it I'm going after work.

~Back to Britney~

Work has been really busy and all I can think about is that stupid married player sleazy man!! I'm just waiting for him to walk through those doors but he probably never will. Its 4.30 pm almost time to close up shop.

I start sweeping the floor and I go into the office to count how much we made today in cash. I hear the front door bell jiggle, someone came in and Frank starts talking to the customer

"Sorry mate we are just about to close"

"Oh I just wanted a wash, it shouldn't take that long" The man replies back. Hang on I know that voice. I go to take a look and its him!

"Ethan" He turns to face me and smiles

"Hi Britney" He waves

"You know him darling?" Frank asks

"Yes, let him in"

"Okay" Frank winks at me. Ethan sits down and I show him our 3 shampoos

"So which one do you want?"

"I just wanted a normal wash, nothing fancy"

"Oh but this third shampoo is the best for your hair, leaves it nice and healthy"

"I'm no sucker for believing that, shampoo's shampoo"

"Well, you should always use the best, I insist you get this one" I say with a smirk

"I see what you are doing" He smiles "Fine I will use that one then". I tell Frank to give him the deluxe wash and blow dry and I walk back to the office

"Wait! Where are you going?" Ethan shouts

"To finish up my work"

"Oh" I walk off, I feel so devilish inside, it feels good hehe. I can feel his piercing eyes on the back of me. I sit back down and count the money. When I'm done I find Frank washing Ethan's hair, I stare at him, admiring his body and his face. His eyes are closed so I can stare for as long as I want. Frank rinses the shampoo and applies conditioner, massages it in then combs it, followed by rinsing. He towel drys his hair and sits him back up. His eyes interlock with mine and he jumps

"You scared me" He said with a smile

"I have that affect on a lot of people" He chuckles

"The shampoo and conditioner smells amazing"

"Strawberry and vanilla"

"Nice" He nods. Frank tells him to get up and sit on the other chair to dry his hair. He dries it and gels it back, he looks very smart

"Done Bello" Frank says

"Thanks mate" He shakes Frank's hand "You like?" He asks me and lifts his eyebrow up

"Well your hair looks more healthy now"

"Right" He smiles. He walks to the counter and I calculate everything

"$50 thanks" I say. He pulls out his card and I enter the amount on the eftpos machine

"Why is it $70?" He says

"Thanks for the tip" I say

"What tip?"

"The $20 tip" He shakes his head with a smile and taps his card

"You're welcome" He winks and walks to the door, opens it and walks out. Well thats my day done, time to go home and put my feet up with a beer in hand. I turn off all the lights and pack a few things away. Frank leaves through the back since he parked his car there. I leave through the front door. I lock the door and

"I waited for ya" I hear in my ear and I jump

"What the fuck" I gasp

"Hahahaha" He laughs his head off "Your face was priceless"

"Fuck you" I start to laugh and I walk to my car

"Coffee?" He asks

"I don't want coffee" I jump in my car, close the door and roll my window down

"What is it you want then?" I stare at him

"To go home and kick back" He folds his arms. I start the car and say "Enjoy your hair" He shakes his head with a smile

"Bye Brit"

"Cya Ethan"

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