Chapter 11~ Goodbye

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I'm home, naked on my bed and my thoughts hit me. What the fuck have I done, I had sex with a married man! I feel so guilty and dirty. But I couldn't help myself, his just so irresistible. I fall asleep and wake up around 8am. Liza asked me how my night was and I told her everything, I couldn't keep that from her, no way! She didn't believe me at first but in the end, she did...

The whole day I get flashbacks from last night. Our bodies rubbing up against each other, giving each other pleasure, moans, candle lights, church...EVERYTHING. It was so beautiful. Thats how making love is, nothing can top that. Ive fucked and nothing can compare to this, its another level, sensual and erotic.



"Ive been screaming your name for ages, stop day dreaming for fuck sake, lets go out"



"OHHH so you finally like my club now"

"Its not bad" I slap her arm

"Told ya" I wink. We get ready for the night. I'm just in jeans and a knitted sweater. She's in a skirt and top. I'm not bothered dressing up today.


I'm at the club enjoying dinner with Liza and I see Ethan and his family arrive. Fuck! I didn't want to face him just yet. I feel my butterflies in my stomach starting to flap their wings and fly around. I feel like I'm gonna be sick!

"I got a call, I'll be back in 10" Liza says

"Sure thing"

Fuck he caught me staring at him, he waves and his wife looks over then whispers something in her ear and they walk over. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? My heart races and my body starts sweating and shaking

"Hi Britney, I just wanted to introduce you to my family"

"Hello Ethan, Hi guys" I say waving at them

"Britney is my hairdresser" he says to them. His wife introduces herself to me, then the kids. His kids are so cute and his wife is hot! We have small talk for a while, then I excuse myself. I power walk to the front of the club and sit on the stairs, in the corner where you can hardly be seen. A tear rolls down my eye, but I don't let myself cry. I light up a cigarette and breathe it all in and exhale, I feel better. I always smoke when my emotions are all over the place, it eases me.

"Brit!" I hear him shout but I don't say anything. Asshole found me, He sits next to me "Whats wrong with you?"


"Well obviously its something"

"Just leave me alone"

"What did I do?"

"Nothing, just go, I want to be left alone"

"Don't be stupid, tell me"

"You think I fucking liked meeting your wife!!?" I shout

"Oh" He looks away from me and I just smoke my cigarette "Well fuck, I don't know" He shrugs

"And especially since we just fucked last night too!!"

"Just fucked?"

"Last night!"

"I thought it was something more than just fucking" What the fuck? Obviously it meant more, fuck it meant so much to me you couldn't imagine, you fuck face!!

"What has that got to do with the conversation?!"

"I thought we made love?" He looks sad. Fucking idiot, we did but WTF

"For you this is just a pass time"

"What is?"

"Whatever we are doing. I'm just entertaining you, but for me, well, things are best not said"

"Brit, you're not just entertaining me and its not just a pass time, I really enjoy having you around and especially last night"

"You can't do this, I can't do this anymore"

"What are you saying?"

"We should go our seperate ways"

"Wow, all this from just fucking introducing you"

"No, its been on my mind constantly"

"Fucking hell!"

"What now?"



"What did you expect was going to happen? Happy ever after?" I get up and run to my car

"Stop! Britney stop!" "Stop!" I stop

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" I scream with tears running down my face. He hugs me and I try to pull back but his too strong, he pats my head and says

"I'm telling you, if I wasn't married, you would be mine"

"Yeah but you are so we have to stop this shit" I say staring into his eyes. He hugs me tightly and says

"I know" I hug him back then leave his arms. I walk away from him, not even turning back... I get into my car and drive home in tears. When I get home, I act like everything is fine.

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