Chapter 9 ~ Wet

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We arrive at a fancy dinner place, red carpet, white tables and chairs and dark grey walls. We wait to be seated and the waiter takes us to a table near the window. We order our food and chat about his holiday and what I've been up to...God I could just stare into his eyes all day, they are so god damn gorgeous! Our food arrives and we enjoy it. When we finish, the waiter hands us the check. I insist on paying but Ethan says

"A man always pays" I roll my eyes at him and give the waiter the cash before Ethan could. I laugh at him

"Why you pissed?"

"Go to my car now!"


"NOW" What the.... what did I do? We get up and walk to his car "Get in the backseat!" Wait a minute!!!

"What?" I say sounding like a scared little girl. He opens the door and says "Inside now!" I do as his told, one because I'm curious to see what happens, two because I have no ride home haha. As I'm about to sit down in the backseat, he grabs me and puts me over his knee, brings my panties down and slaps my bum several times really hard. I let out moans, he doesn't know I like pain. He thinks his punishing me but really, his making me wet. My bum is burning hot now and I can feel my wetness. I'm panting and all I want him to do is finger me, god how I want his thick fingers in my pussy

"Never do that again" He says in a soft voice

"What the fuck did I do!?"

"You paid for me"

"You're mad about that!!?"

"I am!"

"I should be slapping you"

"Why is that?"

"For slapping me!"

"Well why don't you then?"

"Because I don't want to do that"

"What do you want to do then?" I stare into his eyes with a guilty look, I want to fuck you so hard that your whole body is sore! I want to be filled up with your cum, I want to taste every bit of you, I want to do many things to you!

"I want to go home" I fold my arms

"Surely doesn't look like you do" he stares at his knee and smiles. OMFG NO! I left a wet patch on his leg, my cheeks quickly heat up and I feel so embarrassed


"Didn't know you liked pain"


"Give me some words, don't be shy, and stop blushing"

"Well umm..." He cuts me off and moves close to me, millimetres from my face just staring deep into my eyes

"Tell me" I'm silent, no words are coming out, fuck! Why can't I talk? All I can feel is my clit throbbing and my heart racing!

"I want to go home"

"Party pooper" He says and jumps in the from seat. I climb over as well.

When we get to my place I get out of the car and walk to his window

"Bye I guess"

"Goodnight darling" I smile at him

"Goodnight" I peck his cheek


"Oh shut up!" We smile at each other

"Ive missed you so much"


"I don't want to say goodbye haha"

"Come up then"



He turns off his car and we head up to my apartment. We get a few drinks in us then watch a movie cuddled up on the couch....

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