Chapter 10 ~ Finally

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I wake up at 6am with Ethan laying on top of me. We fell asleep on the couch, What a crazy night! I hope we didn't do anything I would regret in the morning

"Good morning babes"

"Morning Ethan" He gets off me and stretches

"I'm so hung over"

"Me too"

"Good haha"

"Can you even remember last night?"

"Vaguely, I know we drank a lot, watched a movie and talked"

"Ahh, ok" I smile, few thank god we didn't!

"I better get home before the wife starts questioning where I am, she usually gets up at 11 so I got a bit of time"

"Okay" Always rubbing it in I see. I get up and show him out. We say our goodbyes and I get started with my day.


Our friendship keeps building and building, talking everyday and going out for coffee after work. Majority of the nights we stay up till 3 am talking on the phone. I don't know how we grew so close to each other so quickly but it happened. We have a lot more in common that I imagined. I'm really starting to fall for this guy but I have to push my feelings down, I cant let them escalate, his a fucking married man!

"What are you thinking about?" Liza snaps me out of my world


"Why have you got that angry thinking face of yours on then?"

"You ever been in a position where you love someone so much

but its so wrong" She folds her arms at me

"I have Brit, is it Ethan?"

"It is, I feel like I have to move on with someone else to stop these feelings from getting any bigger"

"Well you fell for a married man, I can't help you there"

"I know!" "Fuck I think I love him"

"Wow, I never heard you say the love word haha"

"I hate saying it, I never say it without meaning"

"I know" She hugs me

"What am I going to do?"

"Fuck if I know" She laughs, I laugh along with her. I'm always getting myself into mess, I will never learn.

I spend the rest of my day cleaning my room and doing washing. I get a text from Ethan saying

'Yo! Wanna go out tonight?'

'I'm actually a bit busy with home stuff, reschedule?'

'Aww, I wanted to go to the fair'

'Theres a fair on?'

'Yes, next to my place'

'Okay lets go!!!!' I'm such a kid when it comes to carnivals, I love them.

'Haha okay, I will pick you up at 4 pm'


I go for my shower and get dressed. Im wearing a red flowy short dress with black wrap around heels and my hair is out. I spray some of my Calvin Klein perfume and I'm ready to go.

"I'm here"

"Okay, I will come down now" I run to his car, I'm so excited! I see him leaning on his car, hair gelled back, beard nicely trimmed, blue button up shirt, black jeans, brown tie up boots. He looks up at me and says

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