Chapter 13~ Watching

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I wake up in a foreign room. WHERE THE FUCK AM I? My heart races and my palms get sweaty

"Good morning" snaps me out of my panic attack. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING IN ETHAN'S BED???

"Ummm?" I look around

"You had a bad night, at that party you were about to do a line, I stopped it, you fainted on me and now you're all caught up"

"Are you serious"

"Oh yes" I feel my cheeks heat up and I know I'm red like a tomato. He puts the back of his hands against my cheeks and smiles. I move away from him

"Thank you for looking out and letting me stay with you but I must go now"

"Please don't, why have you been so distant?" He looks at me with big puppy eyes. I think to myself, well Ethan, its because I love you and I can never have you

"This isn't right what we are doing"

"Just don't think about it darling" I press my lips hard and fold my arms "Why cant we just have some fun, don't think about it and just go with it, what do you reckon?"

"I don't know Ethan" I rub the back of my neck. He grabs my hands and looks deep into my eyes, I get hypnotised by his beautiful green eyes

"I know who you are Britney"

"Well obviously"

"No you don't understand"

"What do you mean then?"

"Ive watched you grow up, I've seen you come here with your parents. Ive seen you grow into a young woman, I've seen you leaving school, you stand out, not like the other girls. You my dear are, well were a nymphet. My Lolita, you wanted things before any other girl did, you were attracted to the silver foxes and they were attracted to you, and you knew it. Ive seen the way you stare at all of them. You've wanted things for a along time, but only from them" His voice is deep and dark

"You are the biggest stalker and creep but thats what makes me want you even more. I have watched you for a long time too and thought many things about you, especially at night time while I'm in bed"

"In bed doing what?"

"Touching, imagining it was your fingers" He breathes deeper

"I have touched too" I close my eyes and take a deep breath in

"When it was your 34rd birthday, I watched you the whole night, admiring your looks"

"You would of only been 13 right?"


"I remember that night too, but you kept going to the bathroom, why?"

"To touch"

"Fuck!" His eyes full of lust. I just want to fuck him so hard right now but I stop myself. I can't keep on going around in circles with him. Its time for me to move on before this will hurt anymore

"Sorry Ethan but this cant happen anymore, its so wrong"

"I know Brit, I know" I get up to leave but he grabs me "Please! Lets have one last day together as friends, nothing more nothing less"

"Okay Ethan" He hugs me and we spend the rest of the day swimming in his pool and going through his record collection, blasting the classics through the old speakers.

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