Chapter 7 ~ Speedos

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'So what time am I picking you up?' I wake up to that message

'Who said I'm not busy today?'

'I know you aren't'

'Well as a matter of fact I'm not'

'Good girl, I will see you at 10am then. Send me your address' I text him my address and get ready for the day... I hear a beep at the front, I look out the window and its him. I grab my camera and leave Liza a note saying where I'm going and I walk to him. Black Land cruiser ute, lifted with bulbar and snorkel. Yep a typical mans car, so hot! His window is down and I stare at him, his on his phone and doesn't know I'm here. Cowboy hat and sunnies, nice touch.

"BOO!" I scare him

"Fuck!" He jumps and his phone falls out of his hands. I crack up laughing "I'll get you back"

"Sure sure" I wink. I hop in his car and it smells of vanilla air freshener and his after shave

"You look very nice Brit"

"Thank you, so do you" I smile


"I love your Land cruiser"

"I love it too" I smile at him. He drives out of my street and we are off, windows down, music up and not a care in the world. We chat a lot in the car, we talk about general stuff. We are stopped at the traffic lights and he grabs my right hand off my lap and holds it

"Why?" I ask

"Because I want to hold your tiny soft hand" I blush and feel my cheeks heat up, I try to take it away but his grip is too strong "Don't"

"Let go" I say

"No" He says in a playful way. I bring our hands up to my mouth and lick his hairy hand, I then laugh "I like that anyway" He laughs. I shake my head at him, he lets go since he has to change gears, he leaves his hand on the gear stick and I put mine over his

"I thought you didn't like this?"

"I changed my mind"

"Women" He rolls his eyes

"Men" I roll my eyes back

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, you will find yourself over my knee if you do that again" I blush and let go of his hand "Bad girl" He says and winks.....I stare at his wedding ring, fuck what am I doing with him? What am I doing in his car!?

"Whats wrong?" He snaps me out of my world

"Nothing, just thinking about who's working today?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes" I couldn't care less idiot!

"You must really like your job then"

"I don't mind it, plus it pays the bills so yeah"


For the rest of the drive we sit there in silence listening to music, I hold his hand over the gear stick and we change the gears together. We arrive at the beach, the ride starts getting a bit bumpy as we drive through the driveway, the sand is a light golden colour and the water is a clear blue paradise. I can smell the salt water and hear the waves crashing

"Its so beautiful here!" I say and whip out my camera to snap a few shots

"I know, I like to come down here every now and then"

"I can see why" I snap a shot of Ethan

"I'm not the beach"

"I know"

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