Break ups and make ups

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After school the girls headed home to Alya's, the rest of the family was out so it gave the two of them complete privacy. Every so often Bianca would glance over at her, she didn't look angry or sad but just seemed devoid of emotion.

Bianca confession cam: She's still mad at me, I'm positive. But I did say I'm going to to make it up to her, until we're at that point.

She looked over again, keeping one hand on the steering wheel she took her under and placed it in Alya's. "Hey." She said to get her attention. "You okay? You seemed in a better mood during class."

"Yeah I'm okay, Miles had this idea for the project. He wants to write about the baby. What about you and Scarlet, anything yet?

She thought back to what Scarlet was saying but she couldn't remember any of it. She had spent all her time focusing on what Miles and Alya were doing. "We got a few ideas nothing for sure yet. She wants to meet up tomorrow and we're going to start on it."

"Oh tomorrow?" she asked sounding disappointed.

"Yeah it's the only day she'll be free for ya to work on it. Why something planned?"

Alya confession cam: Just first birthing class.

"No just can't stand being away from you." She said smiling and interlocking her fingers with Bianca's as they pulled up to Alya's.


Later that night after Bianca had left, after fooling around for what seemed not so long. Alya sat with her phone in hand trying to work up the courage to text a certain someone. 

Alya: Hey

She waiting for just a few moments although the wait made her nervous until she saw that the they were typing a reply.

Miles: hey!

Alya: you busy tomorrow after school?

Miles: not really what's up?

Alya: my first birthing class is tomorrow, want to come?

Miles: sounds fun, I thought you'd invite Bianca though

Alya: she  can't make it, figure you'd be next in line, 

Alya: if Julie doesn't mind

Miles: not going to be an issue, we're.....,taking some time apart

Alya: oh I'm sorry what happened?

Miles confession cam: What happened is I told her about the kid. 

Miles: just to much a work load right now, but yeah I'll see you tomorrow 

Alya: ok 🙂

Alya confession cam: Bianca won't be jealous....right?


The next day was mostly uneventful, school came and went, the class was however more intense than Alya had anticipated while Miles enjoyed it.

Miles confession cam: I understood the basic idea behind child development but never realized how complex it all was. Gives me a whole new appreciation of Alya and what she's going through.

Alya confession cam: 😨

As they were leaving the two started talking, mostly ideas about the project and Miles still amazed by the class.

"Just think I'm a few months that'll be you going through it! Thanks for inviting me along."

"Yeah no problem" she replied still panicking and stressed after the details they went over.

"So are you and Bianca still doing good?"

Her fake smile faded replaced with a look of confusion "I don't even know anymore, I told you about she showed up at my house after her date with Jax, but at school she doesn't want people to know yet."

"Hey it's a  complicated bf confusing thing, even after you finally figured it out. Plus knowing how people, even in this day and age are about it. Remember when you told me how it was for you?"

Alya confession cam: he's right. I put to much pressure on her about this. I was at least able to work through it myself.

"Plus she's a semi celebrity. You know how the media would exploit that plus the extreme moral guardians?"

"I hadn't even thought of that....most people, even other students see and her and think of Bianca Blackwell the actress and singer.......not just Bianca."

"Yeah it's harsh, just try to go a little easier on her."


Bianca sat at home, her session with Scarlet hadn't gone well, every idea pitched seem to loop around to Scarlet again  being the center of attention. Her ringing phone distracted her looking to see who was calling: Alya. 

"Hey!" She answered attempting to sound playful.

"Hey before you say anything I just got back from my birthing class with Miles." she said in one whole breath sounding frantic.

"You took him and not me?" She replied sounding upset and a little angry.

"But listen.........he reminded me that I shouldn't rush you and if you want to keep us a secret for now that I shouldn't rush it. I know first hand what that was like especially having no one else to help me work through it. I'm sorry"

"Wow he really said that?"

Bianca confession cam: here I thought he would try and steal her back......he actually helped us.

Bianca went quiet trying to process everything before speaking again. "So how was the class?"

"Well Miles liked it......."

"And you?"

"Everything is scary again, please make it better." She said half jokingly and half stressed.

"Tell me all about it." 


You know the drill, comments opinions or whatever.

Until next time!

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