Chapter 2: An Ordinary Sleepover

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"Would you l-like to date me?"

A simple question that crushed everything that I had kept a secret for all my life. I briefly thought of the consequences and I was determined to keep it that way - a secret.

But that meant hurting her. Destroying any shred of hope that she has to ever date me. I was willing to take the risk.

"Stephanie. I can't, I'm sorry but I just don't feel that way towards you. You seem like a  good friend and I'd like to keep anything away from breaking that," I lied, I mean I only met her yesterday and I was completely unsure of what she was capable of. "And that means us being together. I'm sorry but I'm not the one for you, I'd only end up hurting you."

"It's okay, really. I just felt something that first time we met, you know?" she hushed, clearly brushing away the tear that dripped a line of mascara down to her nose. "But don't worry. I can get you to like me," she joked, making me give her a confused stare and lifting one eyebrow.

"Guys!" Sammy hollered at us. "We're playing truth or dare over here, get over here so we can start!"

I knew what was going to happen. They were all just going to dare each other to kiss me. 

After lightly kissing multiple girls, Sammy span the empty beer bottle and of course it would point at Stephanie. My stupid luck tends to do that. I knew exactly what Samantha was gonna tell her to do.

"Dare" she stated before Sammy was able to ask her 'truth or dare'. "OK, Miss Cocky asshole. I dare you to... make out with Andy!" she cackled as Steph went red and faced the other way. 

"Come on, just do it," I leaned forward and pecked her soft, red lips.

"BOO!" all the girls yelled in unison.

"What?! I didn't have to get into it with any of you! Why does she-" Stephanie lunged at my lips, fiercely locking them together as she forced her tongue to enter and I let her. I shut my eyes as I put my hands behind her head. She leaned closer colliding our chests together. I could feel her heartbeat, it was going a mile a minute. 

I broke and pushed her away, my mouth still open and I was gasping for air. My eyes had widened at this point, so had everyone else in the room. 

I glared at her, confused, as she slid back into her spot. "Ok..." Stephanie mumbled, spinning the bottle. 

What the SHIT?! I stared at the bottle pointing at me.

"Oh. My. God," I mumbled to myself. I continued to stare at her again as she asked "Truth or dare, Andy...?" 

My head was spinning. I didn't know what to do, what was I supposed to do? Hesitatingly I mustered to say, "T-truth?" There was no way I was going to kiss her again. 

She glared me like she was trying to sneak a peak at my soul. She leaned towards me, "Why did you really reject me? You clearly liked that as much as I did," she urged. 

Girls all around the circle began covering each others ears as they whispered to each other. It was very obvious considering that the entire room had gone silent.

"She asked him out?!" a red headed girl whispered to me, oblivious to the fact that she was talking to me. I could tell she was shocked by the expression on her face when she noticed that she just said that to me.


I turned to Sammy as she stood up, giving me the 'you owe me' face."Ok!" Sammy interrupted, coughing slightly. "I think we've had enough of this game." 

"It's okay, Samantha. She deserves the truth."

"Stephanie Veda, I rejected you because I honestly do not feel that way towards you. Or any of you... I don't feel like that towards, um," I paused, taking a deep breath. "I don't like girls. I'm so sorry, Steph, but I said no because I'm you know... gay?"

They all looked at me and soon the murmurs stopped and silence took over.

The red headed girl slid away from me.

"What?" Stephanie asked, frivolously making her way towards me. "I'm gay Steph".

Her eyes widened and her face went red again. This time it was out of anger. "How dare you humiliate me like that!" she blurted then slapped my face. The girls gasped again.

I was taken aback. I sat there, unwavering, rubbing my face. I could feel the warmth of the blood rushing in to my face. I couldn't decipher what just happened.

"STEPHANIE!" Sammy dragged her away from me "What the shit did you do that for?!"

"I confessed my love for him and he threw it away by confessing he's gay?!" Stephanie screeched.

"Are you mentally demented? What's wrong with him not liking you cause he's gay? He can't help who he likes just like you can't!" Samantha screamed back at her. "You think just cause he doesn't like you, like you like him, you can smack people around?!"

Stephanie shoved Sammy away from her and got up to open the door. 

"Where are you going?! You bitch!" Sammy continued to scream at her but Stephanie just ignored it. The girls gasped again. 

"I'll get you for this, Andrew. Nobody messes with me. Especially a faggot," she remarked before stepping out the door.

"Don't worry about her, Andy. I don't think any of us care that you're gay, right?" the red headed girl said, sliding back to me to give me a hug. The rest of the girls nodded and headed towards me as well. It was like a signal for all the girls to come give me a hug. Soon they all had me in one massive embrace and I could feel my eyes swell up.

I've never been called a faggot before. It hurt, it really did. It was more of a smack in the face than Stephanie actually smacking my face.

That was pretty much all that happened at the sleepover. I don't think anyone wanted to have fun after all the commotion that went down.

The next day, the red headed girl took me to school. She told me that her name was Valencia during the drive to school. She wasn't as pretty as Sammy or Stephanie but she was definitely a beautiful girl. Not beautiful enough to convert me of course but beautiful none the less. 

Her hair was a bright crimson red. She had to dye it every fortnight to keep it that way. Her cheekbones were very prominent so when she smiled she inevitably showed her pearly whites every time. It was a cute, innocent smile. But who can tell if anyone is innocent after what happened last night.

"Are you gonna be ok?" she asked me, looking rather concerned. "I'll be fine and thank you so much, for everything," I smiled at her. "It's fine, don't worry about it. If you need anything just give me a call and I'll come get you, K?"


I couldn't find Stephanie today. It was like I could feel her presence everywhere I went but I really couldn't find her. 

I walked to my locker and saw Sammy. Her locker was conveniently located next to mine, so it was pretty easy to find her. "Sup, Sam. You look kinda sick, did something happen to you last night?" I questioned her, noticing that she was constantly wiping her nose with a tissue.

"Ya, I think I just caught something from one of the girls," she sniffled. "Are you ok? I mean, you just came out to like 10 people yesterday. You've only ever told me about it and I'm worried about you."

"Yeah, I'm fine. None of those girls would tell anyone, right?" I opened my locker and realized that there was a scrunched up piece of paper inside it. I took it out and Sammy took it out of my hands.

She sighed. 

Well, that can't be good.

Her mood changed instantly. She was now clearly furious. 

"What's it say?" I asked.

"Are you sure you wanna know?" I nodded. It can't be that bad I mean it was probably just something I chucked in my locker and forgot about.

She flipped it around and showed me.


Hmm... I wonder who put that there... :D

I know this is pretty bad but it's my first time... Don't get mad :(           ily for reading anyway <3

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