S Rank

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Snek tried to attack Saitama but he just slapped him out of there. 'You will pay for defeating our master!' Atomic Samurai's disciples yelled as they rushed towards Saitama but they just got One Punched out of there too, just like their master. Mumen Rider came rushing at Saitama with his bicycle as he yelled "JUSTICE FOREVERRR!" The bike hit Saitama's head and then exploded into a million pieces. 'YOU BROKE MY BIKEEEE!' Mumen Rider yelled 'NOW YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY THE BIKE'S PRICE TO ME BECAUSE THAT IS JUSTICEE!' 'Ok...' Saitama said as he One Punched Mumen Rider too. Saitama soon One Punched all the heroes below S Rank out of there. 'Okay, now I need to think how to stop this "control" thing so can someone please give me some time?' Saitama asked. 

'No.' he heard a voice behind him as he felt a strong kick right to his head. He got pushed away a little by that kick. Suddenly he felt a lot of punches to the back. His cape got burnt a little  bit! It was Genos. 'GENOS!' he yelled 'You just burnt a part of my cape!' Suddenly Bang used Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist on Saitama while Genos used Incinerate from the back, Tatsumaki used her Psychic powers on him, Watchdog Man scratched his cape even more and Metal Bat constantly kept hitting him with his metal bat. All of them gave all they had got and attacked Saitama. Their attacks were so powerful that the ground Saitama was standing on exploded! Saitama just stood there and thought of how to free them from this possession of the mysterious alien while all of them just kept attacking. 

Suddenly Pig God tried to bite his head. His teeth cracked and he started screaming. Saitama was still thinking.

Suddenly he saw Atomic Samurai running towards all of them. He didn't have that pink glow in his eyes anymore. He widened his eyes. 'I got it!' he yelled 'My punch took out that pink glow out of his eyes! I should do that to every hero so that they become normal too!' He used Consecutive Soft Punches on all of them and all of them flew out of there. 

Atomic Samurai had finally reached Saitama. 'Why did you punch away all the heroes?' he yelled 'Also, how did you do that? Also, what was happening? Why did I find myself in a stupid children's park?' 'Because of that pink eye thing.' Saitama answered. 'What?' Atomic Samurai asked, yelling. 

All the heroes came back too. All of them didn't have those pink eyes anymore, indicating they weren't being controlled anymore. Only one hero hadn't come back. And that hero was... Terrible Tornado... 

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