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'So... He is finally defeated, huh?' Saitama thought 'This is the second time I used the Death Punch. To be honest, it felt pretty good this time. That's probably because I was holding it back the first time I used it. Griosta was pretty strong, I guess. Surely a God level threat. A threat which can not only erase humanity but any civilization itself...' 

Saitama looked at The Milky Way Galaxy. 'Ahh, it's so peaceful in here.' he thought 'Even the scenery is just so beautiful. Haha, it looks like after a long time I am finally feeling true Happiness... Seeing Outer Space was my dream, after all... It just looked so beautiful in the books. It surely lived up to my expectations. But I have got to get back. Genos and the others also must be facing those aliens. I should help them out!' 

'Woah...' Tatsumaki yelled 'It feels like the mysterious alien... is gone... Unbelievable. Who could have defeated such a God level threat? His powers almost seemed infinite. The person who defeated the alien must not be a Hero because that's just impossible. It as to be some other alien... Or, some other God... It's pretty scary to think that creatures even more powerful than that mysterious aliens exist. It is pretty scary to think that there are Gods among us.' 

'Maybe he just used too much of his powers and that put too much pressure on him and he died?' Silverfang said with a laugh 'You never know what might have happened.' 

Genos smiled. He knew it was his Sensei, Saitama, that defeated Griosta. He was sure of it. 

Suddenly, a strong lightning struck one of the buildings of Z City. 'I made it!' Saitama said with a smile 'Traveling from Outer Space to Earth was surely a lot harder than travelling from the Moon to Earth though. I almost thought that I was gonna be lost in space forever. Phew. Space is beautiful and all but if you get lost in there it's pretty scary. It's dark and all, after all. Reminds me of that spooky closet we had when I was a kid. Wait, it looks like I have landed in the wrong place. Let me just go back to the other heroes.' 

He ran up to Genos and others in just a second. He tapped Genos' back. Genos suddenly got alerted and turned back, ready to use Machine Gun Blows, thinking it was another one of those aliens but before he could do that Saitama yelled "IT'S ME!" in a panicking way. 'Oh!' Genos said as he realized it and stopped preparing his attack 'You are back. I had been worrying about you. Tatsumaki was saying the alien was too strong for anyone and was a God level threat, so I thought he might defeat you.' 'Yeah, he was a God level threat.' Saitama said. Genos was astonished. He couldn't believe it. 

'A-and you defeated i-it?' he stuttered. 'Yup!' Saitama proudly said. 

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