Griosta Attacks

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Suddenly Iaian's head burst open. Every hero was shocked. 'IAIANNNN!' Atomic Smurai yelled. 'I sense a strong Psychic power...' Tatsumaki yelled 'A Dangerous psychic power. That power did this! THAT POWER IS STRONGER THAN MY POWER!!!' She tried to battle against Griosta's powers with her own powers but failed. More heroes started dying. More heads started getting burst. 

Even Saitama was getting worried at this point. 'GENOS!' he yelled 'Can you tell me the location of the alien that is doing this?' 'Yes Master!' he yelled 'Tatsumaki, where do you sense this power is coming from?' 'Behind Mars, in a humongous spaceship...' she said 'A spaceship surrounded by more spaceships... A highly guarded spaceship...' 

'Got it!' Saitama said as he flew out of there quickly. Puri Puri Prisoner's head burst. Flashy Flash's head burst. Pig God's head burst. Everyone started panicking. Metal Bat's head burst. Tanktop Master, Superalloy Darkshine, Watchdog Man, Zombieman and Metal Bat died too. 'I sense the immense power that is causing all of this!' Tatsumaki yelled 'I SENSE IT and... It's... Terrifying me... I can do nothing but watch all of you die...' She started crying. Everyone was surprised to see her cry. 'Sister!' Fubuki said as she went near her to calm her down. That is exactly when Fubuki's head burst too. Tatsumaki just watched in horror as her Fubuki's body fell to the ground. She started crying even more and got angry. She got so angry that she tried her hardest to counter Griosta's powers but it again, ultimately, failed... She gave up and started crying once again. 

EVERYONE in C Class and B Class got killed, except for Mumen Rider. 

Meanwhile, Saitama had defeated all the spaceships that were guarding Griosta's spaceship and also the aliens within them. After defeating those, he burst into Griosta's spaceship. Griosta sensed him coming. What he didn't sense before it came was the Normal Punch Saitama delivered to him. 'Stop this.' he said. Griosta laughed. 'Oh, you are alive after that, huh...' Saitama said. 'You finally came...' Griosta said, still laughing. 'Yeah, I came.' Saitama said 'Now stop killing those heroes...' 

'Fine, I will stop killing them.' Griosta said 'Instead, I will kill YOU! I have been doing all of this to meet and defeat you anyways! YOU WILL PAY FOR DEFEATING BOROS!' 'Oh, so you are Boros' person.' Saitama said. 

Griosta looked at Saitama with a big grin on his face. 

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