Saitama vs. Griosta

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'GRWAHHHHHH!' Griosta yelled as he gave Saitama a thousand punches after he came back. 'Even punches aren't working!' Griosta thought. Now, Saitama gave Griosta one punch. It weakened him a lot. 

Suddenly Griosta opened his mouth and let out all the poisonous gas he had in him. ALL OF IT! 'Ahh, it's so smoky, I can't see a single thing!' Saitama said. Griosta was astonished. 'ANY LIVING BEING WHO WOULD SMELL IT WOULD FIND ITSELF DEAD!' he yelled 'Yet, you are alive, impressive. Very impressive. And that's why I am going to use more of my power on you! IT WILL KEEP COMING! IT WILL NEVER STOP! YOU WILL REGRET FIGHTING WITH ME!' 'Ok...' Saitama said.

Griosta came and grabbed both of Saitama's hand. He tried to tear them apart but failed, so instead he roared and then bit Saitama's head with his super sharp and long poisonous teeth. All of his teeth broke. So he threw Saitama up into the sky and then jumped up himself. After jumping up, he scratched and punches Saitama a couple of more times and then bashed him onto the ground but it still wasn't enough. 'I was wrong to call Boros a fool.' Griosta thought 'It wasn't the fault of his lack of intelligence that he lost to this human. Any normal being would lose to this. But... But still... I WILL TRY MY BESTTT!' 

He landed and then kneed Saitama's back and then kicked him far away. He then spun him around a few times by holding his hand tightly and then threw him on one of the huge rocks of Mars. 'FACE THE WRATH OF MY POWER!' Griosta yelled as he brought the strongest sandstorm in the history of Mars to defeat Saitama. The storm wrapped him up completely. Griosta activated his psychic shield and watched the sandstorm, thinking that Saitama would be dead. 

All of a sudden, the sandstorm abruptly ended and then Saitama came out of it right towards Griosta. He punched the shield and broke it but Griosta knew he was going to punch him next and so, he dodged. Then, he attacked Saitama's hand with his elbow and tried to break all of his fingers. Griosta was going crazy on him!

'Geez, you really are a troublesome person.' Saitama said. 'YES, YES, I AM!' Griosta yelled 'FOR YOU! I WILL KILL YOUUUU!' 

'Dream on.' Saitama said with a smile as he kicked Griosta to the ground. 

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