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Some days had passed and the alien forces had already arrived on Earth... They had settled down in very less populated areas like waterfall, parts of Antarctica, etc. All of them, however, followed whatever one alien said. That alien was Griosta- The Leader of The Universal Kingdom. Griosta was the most powerful and also the most intelligent alien that the universe had ever known. His intelligence and power was beyond anyone's imagination. Everyone followed his orders just because of how intelligent he was. He was operating from his planet while he had sent his forces down to Earth. He was playing this "game" like a chess match. 'It would be fun if the one who defeated Boros is just as intelligent too...' he thought. 

Griosta was blue-violet in color and had dark black eyes. Violet smoke emerged out of him every moment and if he wanted, he could kill anyone just with his poisonous breath. 'Oh Great Warrior...' he thought 'You have defeated the naive Boros who just wanted to have a nice fight. But can you defeat the intelligent Griosta who doesn't want to have a nice fight but instead demolish his opponent in one go. I have played my first move in this chess match. The next move is yours... And, you better figure out about the aliens hiding in your planets in the next couple of your moves since if you don't, the game will become extremely difficult for you...' Griosta smiled, just looking at Earth with the help of his extraordinarily excellent eyes. 'So this is the place where I finally face a STRONG warrior! He better be intelligent...' 

Suddenly he got a hologram call from one of his minions. He picked it up. 'Lord Griosta...' the minion said. 'What message do you bring, Kyonomichimana?' Griosta asked. 'There is a thing called the Hero's Association in this planet.' Kyonomichimana informed 'That organization seems to consist of humans with strange super powers which are only possible for you to have! I just saw one of them defeat a monster with their telekinetic power. There was some sort of green aura all around her so she seemed to be powerful. Tell me Lord Griosta, should we destroy this organization first?' 

'No...' Griosta said, looking at Earth with his dark eyes 'Attacking them as our first move will alert them. I don't want to disturb the opponent's Queen so soon... First destroy the citizens, slowly... Without anyone noticing anything... The pawns are the weakest ones so they shall be the first ones to be destroyed. That's what you get for being weak! Being weak must be so boring!' 

Kyonomichimana smiled as he turned off the hologram call. Griosta kept looking at Earth. 'Earthlings...' he said, still staring at it 'Be prepared... For what's about to come next...' 

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