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'MASTERRR!!!!' Genos yelled. Saitama turned back. He saw Genos' eyes glowing in bright pink. 'Uhhh...' he said 'You okay, Genos?' Suddenly Genos smiled as he said "I am... But soon, you won't be..." in his demonic voice. Saitama narrowed his eyes. 'Okay...' he said 'I do like your new upgrade though. Those glowing eyes look cool. But when did you upgrade yourself again? I never saw you going to the doctor-' Suddenly Genos came towards Saitama and punched him right in the face. Saitama was thrown far back. He was confused. 'Ehhh, Genos?' he asked 'Are you trying to do a friendly match with me again? If so, then let's do it in the mountains or in some less populated area, like last time.' Genos went high up in the air with the rocket attached to his arms and then came down like a meteor and landed on Saitama. That shook up the entire area. This is the moment where Saitama realized that something was wrong. He broke Genos' legs with one chop and then got up. 

'So, Genos...' Saitama said 'What's the big deal?' 'I WILL FINISH YOU!' Genos yelled in his demonic voice. Saitama narrowed his eyes. 'You have been acting strangely since your eyes started glowing in pink.' he said 'I think the upgrade you got is making you evil. Let's go to the doctor to fix this.' 

Genos went towards Saitama and kicked him. 'DEAL WITH MY CLOSE COMBAT!' he yelled. He used a thousand kicks and a thousand punches under the span of one minute but Saitama dodged them all. Saitama quickly burst Genos' eyes with his fingers. 'The problem was with the eyes, I guess...' he thought. 

He took his fingers out. 'That glowing thing stopped... Phew...' he said 'Let's go home, Genos...' 

'You....' Genos said in his demonic voice 'You... Should have destroyed me, you fool!' Genos' broken eyes started glowing in pink again. 'Ehhhh, not this again.' Saitama moaned. Genos used INCINERATE! That surprised Saitama. 'GENOS!' he yelled 'THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE LIVING HERE, YOU FOOL!' He punched that Incinerate and evaporated that energy beam. Just with one Normal Punch. 'Genos, STOP!' Saitama yelled. Genos giggled and then yelled "NO!" 

Saitama got suspicious at this point. 'This is fishy...' he thought 'Genos wouldn't be like this. The eyes weren't even the problem as it seems... So, then, why is Genos acting like this? Could it be that.... Someone is possessing his body? It must be Tatsumaki... She is the only one who has such strong Psychic powers anyways. But... Why would she do that?' 

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