Chapter 11: They Remembered...But Then...

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Woah. An update that's not a sh*t post.

The drive home was normal enough. Normal with a bunch of somewhat childish men. "Guys! Stop messing with the windows!" "George! Stop gushing over Samuel!" "Alexander. Hamilton. Give Thomas his shoe back!" "Hurc! Head inside the car!", so normal.

When we got home I was let to bring all our crap back inside. Fun. As I walked in I saw that the boys had already sat down and started watching T.V. "Thanks for help!", I yelled over at them,"No problem!", George responded. I sighed, walked behind him, and hit the back his head before venturing outside for more bags. "Nee help?", I turned around and saw Philip. "Yes, please.", I said handing him a heavy bag while I chikened out to grab the lighter ones. Of course, Philip was the angel who saved the day now twice. Saving me from an ex and now the bags. When we brought the last ones up I looked up to see Alex,"So?".

"So? So what?", I asked. What about 'so'? Is 'so' bad? It probably is. F*ck. "So, are you going to keep your promise?". "Oh.", I looked around and suddenly remembered,"OH. Oh no." "I'll take that as a 'yes'.", Alex than turned around and walked over to the boys. "So what do we want (Your Name) to do?".

After half an hour of discussion and turning ideas down because being 'unnecessary' or 'not okay' they came up with an idea. "(Your Name). We have our final decision.", John said with a huge smile. Alex came up behind him dragging a flustered Philip behind him,"You are to-" "AAAH!". We all spun towards my room where someone just screamed,"One, two...four, is here? Um...", I looked around trying to figure who could  throw their voice and sound like a girl. Alex booked to my room ready to attack the intruder, Lafayette, Hurc, and John on his tail. "Oh my God." "Wha-Alexander!".


OH MY GOD. A CHAPTER! WHAT IS THIS!? Yes, I updated, yay! And it's not a sh*t post! Merry Hana-christma-kwanzaa! May! ...Almost June! So...what happens next *ghosty noise*~ I'm going to try and *shudders* Ugh, that's weird.


Hey...little bit later, forgot to mention, I started a channel on YouTube that doesn't have any content...I guess you could say I'm a LuckyLittleLoser...was that smooth? Yeah, okay.

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