Chapter 14: Uno and the Attic

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A/N: I don't know if y'all noticed and just decided not to say anything about it, but I put Chapter 18 instead of 13 last chapter...I fixed it. Anyway...

"I call the front!" "Sit down!" "Get your leg off me." "Sorry." "Sit down!" "You just elbowed my nose, genius!" "It looks better, your welcome." "Sit down! Remember? John?", I yelled over the boys as I started the car,"Buckle up! We're leaving.".

Dear Lord.

We drove (I drove and the hooligans messed around) for a solid half hour, haven't seen John, and Alex is home alone looking for Angelica. "Let's walk around, we'll cover more ground.", I said pulling into a mall parking lot,"Everyone out, look for Freckles, and meet back here in an hour.", I took Philip and Lafayette with me while everyone else buddied up.

What would John have to leave for to begin with? It's John, actually, it could be anything. Where would he go? Did he see something and leave the house? Oh God, what if he took the subway? What if he got kidnapped? Oh no, what if he got arrested!? "John! John buddy, where are you?", I yelled out hoping a wild John would appear. "John, you hooligan, where'd you go!", I yelled once more. "He could be in you neighborhood? Right?", Philip spoke up,"He really couldn't have gotten that far. I mean, you left for like, what, fifteen or twenty minutes?" "Right, maybe I'm over doing this, he could be making his way home right now, for all we now!", I turned and started walking towards the mall,"We'll wait for the guys to get back and maybe John will be home by then, yeah, that's it.".

"He's not here AND you haven't found Angelica? Where would they be?"I paced around my living room surrounded by the guys,"I know John had a good chance of wandering off but...but Angelica? Angelica, of all people, no way.", I sat down. I should've told someone I was leaving, maybe then I wouldn't have lost those two. "She just got to the present to! I don't think she even knows we're in New York yet!".

~Two Slow Hours Later~

"Uno!", Alex slapped down an uno card,"Alex, that's not an uno, you still have a card left.", I told him while trying to smile. Yes, we're playing uno while waiting to see if the two will magically pop in,"This is an uno.", I said playing my last card. Alex gave up and went to walk around the room. "I'm bored.", George said, tapping his foot, then looking at me as if to say 'fix my boredom, peasent'. I stood up and gave him a rubix cube,"Here. Match all the sides." "Hmpf, fine.", he started to mix and match the colours while I walked into the kitchen. We can't leave the house yet, we decided on waiting a few hours to see if John would show up and/or Angelica would make herself known. 

"Uno!" "How do you work this thing?" "That's not right?" "You suck at this." "That's still not an uno." "You're an uno." "No, you." "No, you." "No, you." "Yes, you." "Wait, what?" "I give up, I don't what the point of this is." "I'm bored, still."

"John, Angelica, please come back, I don't think I can hanle this for much longer.", I said under my breathe while getting a water bottle out from my fridge,"They're all complaining...and now I'm complaining. Hm.", I opened the bottle only to hear a very loud thud coming from the ceiling, starling me and the bois. "The heck was that?", I said, choking on water slightly. And then..."AAAAAAAAAH!", I blood curtling scream came from,"Oh my God, I forgot I have an attic!", I booked it over to the ceiling latch in the laundry room and down came the built in ladder that lead to the attic.

"OH MY GOD." "John!?", I peaked into the attic and saw John, in the corner, Blaire Witch style. "John, you moose, get over here!", I yelled over to him. He slowly turned around and just pointed behind me,"Joh-?" "S-S-s-spider-spiders!", he whisper-yelled. I turned around and saw at least three webs, just...just full of them. Disgusting. "John, there are NO spiders downstairs, come on!", as soon as I said that he booked it down the ladder and and made a b-line for the living room. "I need to get someone to kill these ungodly things. Later. Someday. Eeeh, they'll die eventually.".

So John was in the attic. And went straight to playing uno. Now we wait for Angelica. Hopefully. Christ.


(752 words)

Not over 1,000...but it's close enough. For me. My hands and wrists hurt. I'mma watch Oliver's Antics on YouTube now, maybe Tamaytka... I don't know. Bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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You Just 'Undied' in my Living Room [Hamilton x Reader] (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now