Chapter12:I'm the only one here who can drive, pay modern bills, and work the TV

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to one SlytherinSlay. Apparently o-o doesn't say all, hun! (I'm dieing a bit laughing, sorry XD)

 As I ran over to the room I could hear Alexander talking in a super highpitched, girly voice. You know, the one where if you saw a celebrity at, like, Walmart or something you'd totally go up and fangirl? That type of voice. "Alexander!", I pushed pass a few people to see Alex hugging (clinging) to a lady. "Alex?", I spoke carefully,"Who's your friend?", he let go of her and had one of those stupid smiles on his face,"(Your Name), meet Angelica Schuyler!".

"Angelica? Angelica Schuyler, Angelica Schuyler?", I said dumbfounded,"Yes, it's a pleasure (Your Name). (Your Name)? Right?" "Y-yeah!", I said and motioned her to follow me.

Once in the living room she sat down and insulted George, had a stern talking to with Thomas, said 'hi' to the reveloutionaries and bunch, and a quick handshake with Washington and was ready to talk. I started with basic questions,"What's the last thing you remember?" "How tall was Peggy?", ect., she answered polietly and happily and was ready to stay with me and the boys. "So, you're going to sleep on my bed and I'll set something up for me.", after some talking she agreed and was okay with it. I looked around and realized,"Holy crap. I'm the only one here who can drive, pay modern bills, and work the TV.".


WOW. Another update!? What the f*ck!?


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