Chapter 13: On a hunt for a John.

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I needed time to set up my new make-shift bed, get Angelica new(modern) clothes, and keep the boys busy. "Pick a number from one to four.", I said as I looked through some movies,"Um...two?", Samuel said shyly,"A'ight, you're watching (favourite movie), good choice.", I said popping the movie into my dvd player,"Enjoy the show, don't make to much noise...don't kill anyone.".

It's weird to have a new person staying here but it's nice that it's a girl. I feel like we had to many boys here. Gosh, it's been so long that I don't even remember how many there are of them...I mean...I'm not going to bother to count them, but still. Right, clothes was the list. I'm out of ideas for clothes so I might as well go to the store quickly and come back before my house is bursting into flames. I got my car keys and made a quick trip over to the store, got the goods, and then realized I forgot to tell someone I was leaving. "Crap.".

I raced home and could hear shouting from inside,"Mother of God, what now?", I opened the door to see Alex and Thomas in a yelling fit,"I don't care what you think, I'M RIGHT." "Oh, YOU'RE RIGHT? Really, that's SO funny! Ha. Ha." "At least I don't have to look in the mirror every morning and see THAT!" "OH, OH! YOU ARE SO DEAD." "SCREW YOU!" "FU-" "SHUT UP. What the hell did you do now!?", I yelled over them. Everyone paused and looked over to me. "Oh hey (Your Name).", Alex said with a sickly sweet smile,"How are you?", Thomas said, suddenly not red in the face. I put my bags over on a table before walking over to the two.

"You...wHAT?", I yelled at everyone,"You're telling me...that you LOST John? How!?" "I don't know, he was here...", Alex started,"And then he got up...", Herc said calmly,"And left.", Laffy finished. "A'ight, when we find John we need to have a meeting. Also, where is Angelica?", I said looking around the room. Silence. Absolute silence that I hadn't heard in a long while. "One more time, where is Angelica?", I said, ready to about lose it,"We haven't seen he-" "You haven't seen her! We're down two roommates!?" "Maybe? She's used to our shenanigans so she might be reading.", Alex said getting up. "I'll look for her here, you guys find John,", he said making his way towards the hall,"see to it he get's back safe, good luck on your journey.", he said and sprinted down the hallway.

"Okay, everyone in the car, we're on a hunt for a John."


436 Words. Huh. I feel like next chapter I should set a goal since these feel short. Hm. How 'bout 1,003. That's a weird number, I'll aim for that and higher. W H O O P. Ghouls and Ghosts, have a nice day/evening/night, and don't throw away your shot!


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