Dead Like Me

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Are we missing something? I asked in confusion.
What is it???
The heart of the thing i love most.
You mean your son's heart, Rumplestiltskin???
No, No...I never loved Rumple...
Then who's heart do you need?, Who do you love???
Love can mean many things Felix,...
It doesn't always have to come from Romance, Or Family.
It can also come from loyalty,...Friendship...The one person that always believed in Pan,...
Is me...I finished off.
I panicked and looked for a way out.
Don't be afraid, Be flattered....
NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!
His hand reached into my chest and pulled out my heart.
I chocked out in pain as he squeezed it to ash...


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed until i realized i didn't feel anything.....
Peter? I called out into the bleakness of the dark.
I quietly strut through the unusual fog...
The only thing i could see was light reflecting off of a blade.
Each and every step took me closer and closer like i was floating...
The figure turned and revealed a hooded thing holding a scythe.
Death,...I whispered..
Yes,...And you are??? The voice so soft.
Where are we? I asked....Scared to ask or raise my voice.
You mean where are you???
You died.
P-peter...i gasped...''H-He killed me???....''
The figure slowly nodded and said, Come on,...Time for judgement day.
I nodded un-sure what that meant...I have never felt so weak, So little in this very moment.
I followed death to wherever it was taking me...
If i would slow down, Automatically dark forces of mist would pull me further...
It  soon stopped in it's tracks.
What is it? I asked.
It held out a scroll...It says your not listed to Heaven or Hell in here..
''W-What does that mean???''
Your lost...The voice said softly, It's lips so delicate and soft they looked like a female's...
Then nothing's changed...
I did something i thought i'd never do...I slowly dropped the hood and saw the gorgeous face of my hooded sire...


''Your a-''
Woman, She whispered.
I think the word your looking for is death...
Fine, Death. She spoke.
She turned to leave, Pulling on her hood. Wait! I cried.
Yes...She slowly turned.
Can i come with you? I asked.
I-I, She sighed. I don't know if that's possible.
Try me, I said and slowly rested my hand against her's...
She gasped and let her hand stay put. 
You feel that? I smiled.
Y-Yeah, She gasped with excitement.
I smiled as we let out giggles...

She took me through the darkness back to the other side.
I froze when i saw where i was.
What is it? She asked, Concerned.
T-this...Is where i died.
Her eyes filled with sympathy, She dragged me downtown to Peter and Rumple...
And what is that? Peter's smug grin showed.
So have i, And sent it away with something to hide...
What are you doing?! 
You see...
The only way for me to die is if we both die...And now,...
Aaawwwwwww! Peter shouted as the blade entered his back.
I bit my lip and rested my head against her shoulder, Crying.
She rested a hand against my back and gave a grim look over to the others...
Peter and Rumple vanished into bright light as the damn scroll hit the ground.
I covered my eyes to cover my emotion.
She attempted to pull my hands from my face...No! I growled and avoided eye-contact with her.
Why are you upset? Did you have a girlfriend back there???
No,..I muttered.
Never did, Never will.
I walked way from her and she groaned, Stop being a whiny bitch around me! 
Your dead! What back there made you so upset?!
I growled, My best friend...The one who killed me!!!
Her jaw slowly dropped as her bottom lip slowly trembled.
''I-I'm sorry...''
Save it, I growled and stomped off.
Hey! She shouted back and pulled me towards hr face...Searching for an answer she claimed her lips with mine...
I was surprised at first...Taken away by her kiss...I responded....Finally feeling someone's lips on mine...
I slid my hands from her face to her shoulders....Roughly kissing her like she was about to drift away...
Her hands slid down to my belt...Stopping at the bottom...I narrowed my eyes at her as her lips parted...
I-is....Is it possible??? I questioned.
I-I don't know...She muttered.
Her fingers slid over the zipper and slid into my pants...
I groaned as i felt her fingers against me...Sliding my fingers into her hair....Moaning.
Miss Death, I don't even know your name and your gonna ravish me? I moaned with pleasure.
My name is (Y/N)...
So, (Y/N)...Where can we do this??? I asked confused...
Here, She said softly...The dark, alone...No-one else...No...
Interruptions...She whispered in my ear.
I grinned and pulled her by the waist...Tumbling over onto the ground...
Removing my cloak, She glanced at my chest...Admiring my six-pack...
I smirked and ran my fingers into her hair...Pulling at the locks...
She moaned and clutched my shoulder as i un-zipped my pants.
She rushed out of her tight black skinny jeans as i entered...
She groaned as i slowly thrust into her, Dropping kisses to her throat...
Mmmmmmm, Felix...Don't stop.
I wasn't planning on it babe, I whispered in her ear...
She grunted and said, This is way much more painful than the dead are at sex...
Really now, I spoke softly..How are they like???
Graceful, Flexible....You know, All the inhumane stuff.
She giggled as i gave her a funny look...Dragging my fingers down from her head to her chest, I stopped at the corset strings...
Loosening the knot, I pulled the string back...
Tossing the corset back, I ran my fingers down her bare chest...Granted moans coming from her throat, I smirked and sunk my lips into her throat...She grabbed my shoulders and bit into my neck...
While her lips trembled against my flesh in the distance i saw a figure in resemblance to Pan...
Brown tousled hair...Taunting recognizable smirk...Cocked eyebrow.
Pan,...I chocked on my own lust..And it disappeared...
Hmmmm???....She moaned against my touch.
Nothing babe...

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