Love Triangle(2)

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Hmmmmmm,... Let me think about that...You spoke as he pulled you onto his lap.
Is that a promise or a offer? He taunted.
I promise...
It's a offer.
He rolled his eyes and whispered in my ear, Don't get cocky.
You flashed a small smirk and he interrupted, No,...

You were getting ready for your date with Felix, He was pretty determined this time...
You looked through your stash of dresses from Pan and found this:


And this:


Pan! You called outside the tent...

Pan's POV:
I was talking to Felix in his tent.
So,...What are you planning on wearing? I asked him.
This... He said and flashed me this:


And this:


So what your saying is,...
Your practically wearing what you usually wear on a daily basis! I shouted.
Felix opened his mouth to speak but i heard (Y/N) calling me.
Coming! I shouted as i ran out of Felix's tent.
I ran into my tent and found (Y/N) fixated on two dresses.
Which one should i wear? You asked in frustration.

Pan gave a smirk and waved his wrist, Combining both of them.
Wow,...You trailed off. Or you could just combine both of them you mumbled...
He smiled and Held out his arm. You hooked your arm with his and smiled back...
He led you outside the tent to a smiling Felix.
Aye, You look lovely this evening...You blushed, Oh Felix, Shut your lovely mouth.
Tempting,...He said in a sultry voice.
You blushed and avoided eye-contact for a moment, Only for him to lift your head back to his direction.
His lips leaned towards yours for a kiss while Pan butted in, Get a room you two and the lost boys burst into laughter.
Do you ever think about what your life would be like outside this place? You asked Felix while hanging off of a branch.
Felix slowly turned his head, No...Why???
I just,...I...Nothing, You frowned and turned your head in a different direction.
Hey, He said and turned your gaze towards him. You closed your eyes and avoided eye-contact,..Lashes flickering as he glanced into your eyes and back to your lips...
His breath hitched in hiss throat as he rested his lips against yours...You reached out and responded...He smiled against your lips and held a palm to the back of your neck. 
Mmmmmm...Felix. You moaned.
Shhhh,...He shushed you and pulled apart, Jumping down from the tree.
He whistled and motioned you to follow... You glanced below and slid you ass slowly against the bark of the tree.
Felix glanced back as you slowly followed.
Felix led you to campgrounds... ''Felix, What are we doi-'' But he cut you off.
He pulled you against his back and slowly stepped over the sleeping lost boys...
He brought you into his tent...Closing the curtains as you laid back onto his bed.
He took off his shirt threw it across the room...You giggled as he climbed on-top of you.
His hands rested on both sides of your head, Positioning himself onto you. He continued to kiss you,...Sliding his fingers into your hair.
Locks of your hair curled between his fingers... Mmmmmm....Felix, You moaned.
Shhhhh...He slid his hands down to his waist and un-buckled his pants, Dropping them to the side.
You giggled and held onto his hips as he buckled them towards yours...
His hands slid down your cheeks to your shoulders, Sliding the sleeves down exposing your chest.
His hands slid across your chest, Stopping at the peaks...
Pulling the last remaining piece of fabric on your chest, Flinging it across the room kissing you.
You slid your hands up his chest and admired his six-pack.
Your palms rested on his face as he continued to kiss you, More and more passionate.
His hands slid from your chest to your hips, Pulling the rest of the dress off.
He quickly pulled off the last remaining piece of fabric on your waist.
Bucking his hips, He slowly thrust into you...The acceleration hit you and caused your head to bend back, Eyes rolling back.
The pleasure hurt and felt sooo good at the same time...
Felix smiled as you gasped at the pleasure he served you.
You held onto his shoulders as he thrust harder...Groaning as the pleasure turned into pain.
F-Felix,...You gasped and held onto him tightly.
I know babe, Me two...He replied and closed his eyes in pain. Baby, Your soooo tight, He sucked in his breath.
His hand caressed your cheek as he released into you...Without warning you did as well...
Felix lost control and rested his limp body against yours.
I love you (Y/N), He whispered in your ear...
I love you two...I've made my choice, You spoke.
What is it? He asked, A little feared.
You,...You spoke softly.
His eyes widened as he glanced at your throat, What's that???
What's what? You asked.
Your neck is bleeding.
What? You gasped as he reached out to smear the fluid across your flesh..Raising his fingers to his mouth...Licking every drop.
''Felix are you-''
Vampire, Yes...
So is Pan, Queen of Neverland, He flashed a seductive smirk.

Peter Pan/Robbie Kay imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now