Maybe it's love

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Baekhyun walked along the beach, enjoying the refreshing cold water at his feet. It was still dark, but the beach was well-lit. Although he was out for more than a quarter of an hour, the beach house, in which Chanyeol was sleeping peacefully, was still clearly visible. He looked at his phone to check if he had a reception before calling his best friend, Seulgi. He was aware that she might still be mad at him for not being allowed to accompany him to his wedding, but he needed to talk to her.

He hadn't told her about his plan, because until three hours before the flight, he hadn't even decided about canceling the wedding – against his father's wishes. After the fifth ring, Seulgi finally picked up. First Baekhyun was yelled at because he had forgotten the time difference and Seulgi had been sleeping. But after he told her the whole story about the unwanted marriage and unplanned - but welcomed - honeymoon, she was more than interested to continue the conversation.

"I can't believe you actually did that. Respect!" She said enthusiastically. She had never understood his relationship with his father. They argued at any given opportunity. Half of the things Baekhyun did was to provoke the old man and the other half was to please him.

"I can't even believe it myself," Baekhyun said, laughing.

"How could all that happen? As if you were in some strange movie... " Seulgi could barely control her laughter.

"I'm pleased that the whole thing amuses you so much. Does everybody already know that I called off the wedding?" Baekhyun asked curiously.

"No, there is no rumor about that," Seulgi said.

"Are you sure?"

"Hey, you know that I'm the gossip queen."

"You're right, sorry," Baekhyun apologized.

"And when are you coming back?"

"I'll enjoy the free holiday, then I'll go home. So until then, don't tell anybody about this, ok? "

"Ok. But are you sure you want to spend 10 days with that cop?"

"He is not a cop and yeah I'm sure. Who knows when life is gonna offer such an opportunity again? And I think I'm developing some feelings for him," Baekhyun confessed.

"Real feelings or penis feelings?"

"I haven't figured it out yet," Baekhyun said, laughed at his friend's honesty.

"Typical you."

"But you should have seen him, then you would understand me," Baekhyun argued.

"Oh, I'm seeing him," replied Seulgi with a giggle.


"My best friend, Google... Damn, this guy is hot," she shouted into the handset.

"I know," bawled Baekhyun back.

"Have you slept with him yet? How was he? I want details."

"No, I haven't."

"What? You didn't rip his clothes off at the first sight? I don't think I know you anymore."

"Are you crazy? He's married. I have principles," said Baekhyun.

"Yes, he's married to you. So swing your ass to him and fulfill your duty. "

"You are completely insane. He thought he was married to a guy named Kyungsoo."

"But he had given you the ring, so he married you... Shit, Baekhyun, you're married. "

"Stop yelling in my ear."

"That's not fair, I have to shave my legs and go clubbing to get laid, and you get Mr. Sexy handed on a silver platter but you don't even want to touch him? "

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