♡ Love you to death

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Kyungsoo could feel the heartbeat in his chest. His hand was calm, but his heart was not. And yet, he was impressed by his own self-control. He had learned to maintain his poker face by the time being with Jongin.

Kyungsoo took a deep breath and pushed himself through the door. He was ready to face reality.

No, he was not. He realized.

In less than one second, he completely forgot his stupid idea of Jongin cheating on him. Kyungsoo frowned at the picture he saw. Jongin was standing in front of another, taller man who was kneeling on the floor with his head hanging down. Kyungsoo couldn't see the man's face and yet, he noticed clearly the blood and the cuts on his face. His right eye was swollen he could barely open it. The wound on his forehead wouldn't stop bleeding. Kyungsoo's glances wandered to Jongin's hand which was also smeared with blood. Jongin stretched his fingers after throwing another hard punch at the man. The unknown man landed on the floor due to the impact. Kyungsoo could feel the pain just by watching and still, the man lifted his upper body to go back to the position before, waiting for the next attack.

Jongin didn't seem to notice or maybe he didn't care about the fact that the taller man couldn't regain his balance. He was about to pass out. One more hit could knock him out... forever. Before realizing it, Kyungsoo threw himself between those two as he saw Jongin raised his fist again. He used his body to cover the injured man so that he was facing Jongin. Except for the fact that he closed his eyes. And the pain he expected came. Jongin's hit landed directly on his jaw, causing him to bite on his tough. Immediately he tasted the blood.

"Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo opened his eyes as he heard Jongin calling his name. Jongin was as furious as before. Kyungsoo's action only added a shock to his mood. Kyungsoo didn't blame his boyfriend for the pain. As sudden as Kyungsoo appeared, not even a good fighter like Jongin could stop the attack.

"Get out, Baekhyun," Jongin demanded.

"No," Kyungsoo exclaimed out loud. "You're going too far. I don't know what's going on but you're going to kill him."

"And what if I do? He deserves it." Jongin said through clenched teeth.

"Get the fuck out of my sight, Baekhyun."

"No," Kyungsoo refused. By that, he could see the anger in Jongin growing.

"Fuck," Jongin screamed. He grabbed the coffee cup on his table and smashed it on the ground. Kyungsoo had expected the outburst and yet he flinched. Standing up, he stepped aside.

"Jongin," he called. Kyungsoo felt the relief as Jongin's eyes followed his figure. One more step to the left.

"Baekhyun, go the fuck home. I'm so pissed right now. I might hurt you again," Jongin warned, and Kyungsoo knew he meant it. His whole body was trembling in fury.

"Jongin, look at me" Kyungsoo called again, coming closer. However, Jongin took a step back, remaining the distance between them. Not being able to hold back anymore, he rammed his fist into the glass cabinet to his side. Like the cabinet, Kyungsoo's heart broke into pieces as he saw the flinders cutting Jongin's flesh while the taller boy didn't even seem the realize them.

"Can you look at me, Jongin?" Kyungsoo needed to calm this man down. But when did saying "calm down" ever work? Never.

"I'm coming closer, ok?" Kyungsoo suggested. Still, Jongin didn't answer. But he didn't refuse Kyungsoo either. By that Kyungsoo move forward. The smaller man moved slowly as if he was approaching a wild animal.

"Baekhyun, don't come any closer," Jongin almost whispered, but Kyungsoo heard it clearly. Though he didn't stop.

"Jongin, look at me. It's me." The gang leader didn't react.

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