♡ In the dark

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My search history will always be tainted because of the research I did for this chapter and for the next ones. So at this point, I would like to thank the FBI or NSA or whatever agents who are watching me for not turning me in. You're cool, dude. Peace out.
This chapter is like "only investigation shits". I know you guys signed up for fluffs and so, but the plot demands what the plot demands.
Bear with me this chapter, some lovely moments will come soon.

„I know he's not Byun Baekhyun because I am Byun Baekhyun, ok?" The younger man confessed.

"Chanyeol, my headache is killing me. Can you get me some painkillers? I saw a pharmacy near the campus on our way." Baekhyun asked as he came back from his walk. He wasn't even lying. His head felt like it was ready to explode because of his conversation with Suho.

"Sure, but you look pale. You should go home and take a rest." Chanyeol suggested.

"No, I'm fine. It's my common headache."

"You should take a rest. I'll call a taxi."

"Chanyeol, can you just get me some painkillers? Please," insisted Baekhyun and his husband nodded, leaving the laboratory right away. Little did he knew; it was just an excuse to have him gone for a while. It was a fight, convincing Suho to keep Kyungsoo's and his identities' switch a secret from Chanyeol. But Baekhyun succeeded. Suho wasn't a fool and he treasured Chanyeol as his friend. Thus, he hated lying to his friend. Still, Suho appreciated Baekhyun's honesty and his courage for telling him the truth. The older was aware Baekhyun could just go on without Chanyeol noticing his real identity, but Baekhyun risked everything to help Kyungsoo. However, Baekhyun had to promise he'd tell Chanyeol the truth as soon as the case is closed. Either Baekhyun did, or Suho would. That was the deal.

Immediately after Chanyeol disappeared, Suho told Xiumin to arrange a video conference with the team.

"You can't be serious. That changes everything. We addressed the case all wrong."

"Yeah, it's a huge difference who is kidnapped. We're looking for Byun Baekhyun but what if the guy got kidnapped as Do Kyungsoo? That's a whole different game."

"Dude, the pool of suspects just doubles."

After getting a shitstorm from his colleagues for not telling them the truth from the beginning, Suho asked them to keep it a secret from Chanyeol. The team wasn't enthused about that, but they listened to Suho anyway. Baekhyun noticed how close these men were. Obviously, they were all different and each held their own secrets. Still, they respected and cared for each other. Baekhyun couldn't help but feel guilty for making them lie to Chanyeol.

Coming back, even just on the monitors Chanyeol noticed the odd looks his friends were giving him.

"What's going on? Why are we having a cyber meeting?" Chanyeol questioned as he handed Baekhyun the pills.

"You're just in time," Suho replied, "I'm about to inform everybody that we found out which gang the kidnappers belong to."

"Really? Did you find them, Lay?" Chanyeol beamed. Lay moved his eyes to Suho, asking for direction, and as the leader nodded discreetly, Lay affirmed.

"So?" Chanyeol asked impatiently.

"Lay just told us that the tattoo is used by a southern gang named Goben. They used to operate in the south but some of them appeared in Seoul a few months ago." Baekhyun answered before Chanyeol could notice that Lay had no idea. Lay was listening as carefully as everyone did.

"Do you know where they operate?" Chanyeol asked, and Lay nodded. He didn't recognize the tattoo but indeed he had a new southern gang which suddenly showed up in the city on his radar.

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