Well and Alive

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"This is Suho. He is your bodyguard."

Did you know there are seven billion people in the world? So why did it had to be Suho, his former home teacher? A ton of questions filled Kyungsoo's mind but the most important one was "How was he getting out of this mess... alive?" Suho's staring paralyzed the younger boy's body.

"Do you know him?" Jongin repeated. Kyungsoo held his breath. His chest ached.


"No I don't," answered Suho dryly. Now it was Kyungsoo staring at Suho.

"How? How did you forget someone you had spent 3 years with? And how could someone like Jun Myeon end up here? What was his relationship to Jongin? Was this Suho guy even his Jun Myeon hyung?" Kyungsoo's head was overheating with questions he couldn't answer.

When Jongin finally left, Kyungsoo saw his chance to talk to Jun Myeon, or Suho, or whoever this person really was.

"You – " His voice faltered. Suho interrupted him.

"Are you crazy? What the hell are you doing here... Kyungsoo?" Kyungsoo gasped.

"You're really Jun Myeon hyung?"

"Who else could I be? Answer me, Kyungsoo. Why are you here? Do you know what kind of place this is? Why do they think you're Byun Baekhyun?"

You might call him naive but at that moment Kyungsoo knew very well it could be a huge mistake to tell Jun Myeon the truth, considering the whole situation. Yet he had always been one those people who relied on their feelings and right now he felt he could trust Jun Myeon.

"What? How could you run away?" Suho spoke through his hands on his face.

Kyungsoo laughed lightly. That had always been Suho's way to say Kyungsoo was hopeless. He often did that when Kyungsoo made a stupid mistake. After all that had happened, seeing something so familiar made Kyungsoo feel much better. He couldn't help but embrace his friend.

"I'm so glad you're here."

Suho gently patted Kyungsoo's head. He wasn't surprised by the younger's action. Kyungsoo had never hesitated to show his feelings and that was what made him so unique.

"It's very nice to see again. I can't say I'm glad to see you here though. I don't like the fact that you're here a bit. The Kim's residence is not a place where you can come and go as you please," Suho replied.

"Who exactly are those people? Tell me, please. And how come you're here?" Kyungsoo asked, stepping back.

"Well, have you ever heard of the Three Colors of the Underworld?"

"You mean the three biggest syndicates of Korea? Basically, nothing but that's a very cheesy name for gangs."

"Kyungsoo, you can't underestimate them."

"I don't. Tell me about them."

"Well, the Three Colors of the Underworld are the Black Lotus, the White Snake and the Red Devils; they have been rivals for decades. But last year the Red Devils started to cooperate with a Japanese gang and they gained a lot of influence. Consequently, the Black Lotus and the White Snake have to work together to keep the balance. But it's not easy to suddenly end animosity for good. The members still couldn't trust each other."

"The marriage... don't tell me..."

"Yes... The leaders decided to let their heirs marry as a sign of a new big family. That's why Kim Jongin - who is, by the way, the White Snake's heir - was forced to marry Byun Baekhyun, the Black Lotus' heir. That means you'll be in big trouble once they find out you are not Byun Baekhyun."

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