♡ Calm after the storm

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"We've arrived," announced the drive with his voice as low as possible, seeing Kyungsoo had fallen as sleep in the back seat. Jongin was dead tired as well, still he kept his eyes open. Having Kyungsoo back in his arms was enough for the moment.

The drive opened the door and Jongin carried Kyungsoo to their bedroom. Sure, it wasn't easy – even for someone like Jongin – to pick up Kyungsoo. After all, Kyungsoo wasn't a child. But how could Jongin wake up that small human when Kyungsoo finally got some sleep after such a day?

Laying his husband down, Jongin made sure the room was warm enough for Kyungsoo was still shivering. The more Jongin knew Kyungsoo the more fascinated Kyungsoo appeared to him. Less than an hour ago, he was crying, his hand was broken, and his life was threatened. Nevertheless, now Kyungsoo was already sleeping like it was just another day. Jongin acknowledged Kyungsoo might look innocent, yet he was tougher than anybody might think of him. If you couldn't judge a book by its cover, then Kyungsoo was a great book with the most unexpected plot twist.

While he was treating Kyungsoo's wounds, his phone vibrated.

"Woobin and some of his men escaped. We're still looking for them. But the rest, we got them," said the voice at the other end.

"Good," replied Jongin, leaving the room to not disturb Kyungsoo.

"Keep it quiet. My father shouldn't know about any of this. And find that rat Woobin."

"What do you want to do with his men?"

"Interrogate them. Find every single traitor... and eliminate them all. Show no mercy."

"No mercy," repeated the man, hanging up.

Next morning, Jongin was roughly woken up by the noise of shattering glass. Noticing Kyungsoo wasn't next to him, Jongin rushed towards the source of the noises without putting on his slippers.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. It's hard with only the left one," Kyungsoo said, showing his bandaged hand. It was nearly magic how fast Kyungsoo's voice erased Jongin's panic.

"Fuck," exclaimed Jongin, breathing out as he pulled the younger in for a hug.

"Stop giving me heart attacks," he added.

"Jongin, I can't breathe." Kyungsoo said, softly pushing on Jongin's chest.

"Just a little more," whispered the boss, resting his head on Kyungsoo's shoulder. With his sound hand, Kyungsoo stroked Jongin's back. He too enjoyed being in his lover's embrace. Jongin's shoulder was wide. Jongin's body was warm, and his grip was strong. Kyungsoo felt safe when Jongin was around.

As said, Jongin let go after a while. With care he took Kyungsoo's broken hand. "Who did this?" he asked, "I'll skin him."

"Please don't. It was me," Kyungsoo answered.


"Woobin's man, I punched him in the face. He lost a tooth, but I broke my hand," Kyungsoo explained with a shy smile.

"Are you trying to turn me on?"

"Ok, Mister. Just let me clean this mess first," pointed Kyungsoo at the shards.

"No time for that," shouted Jongin, picking up Kyungsoo. Impatiently, Jongin threw the smaller male on the couch. Their lips locked and next thing Kyungsoo knew, he was gasping for air.

"Wait, Jongin," he said breathless, but the gang leader didn't listen.

"Jongin, stop," Kyungsoo repeated without success. Normally Jongin was a gentle lover who always made sure Kyungsoo would feel good, but today he was different.

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