♡ 12 O'Clock

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Hi, sorry last time I updated the wrong chapter, so it didn't make sense. This is the right one.

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun going in the building until the younger was out of his sight. As much as he wanted to deny the truth, fact was, he could only be a burden in there while Baekhyun was a huge help for the team. At times like this Chanyeol regretted not taking karate lessons with his sisters. Even though they were siblings, they were just the opposite of each other. While she insisted on learning material arts and going to survival camps, he enjoyed literal adventures. The only thing they had in common was doing the opposite of what their father expected for their genders – only to piss him off. But Chanyeol knew he wasn't useless in such a situation. Knowledge is power, he needed to keep believe in that.

"Xiumin, can you show me the construction plan of the building?" He asked the hacker and inspected the plan, after Xiumin provided him with the needed information.

"Why these positions?" he murmured to himself, checking the building and the positions of the bombs.

"Those are all support columns," after a minute Chanyeol yelled out of sudden, causing Xiumin to jump.


"Look, those are all support columns of the building." Chanyeol repeated.

"That means it's supposed to collapse? The whole tower?" Xiumin asked and his friend nodded. They both grabbed for air, knowing their best friends were inside that house of cards.

"They need to get out of there in time or ..." Xiumin couldn't finish his sentence.


Finally, Baekhyun reached Kyungsoo and Jongin. To him it was like one of those awaited moments in video games when you met the final boss. Jongin did have this vibe of such a character – something cold and dangerous. Yet, his first impression shattered as he saw the way Jongin covered Kyungsoo with his body the moment the gangster noticed Baekhyun. The gang leader was ready to protect his lover but also ready to attack the stranger in front of him.

"One more step and I'll snap your neck," threatened Jongin.

"Jongin, I'm K, a friend of Suho. I'm here to help." Baekhyun explained, yet the boss didn't step away. It wasn't easy for him to trust anyone, considering the circumstances. But Kyungsoo was different. Kyungsoo was the "glass is half full" type of person. And for some inexplicable reasons, his instinct signalled him to trust this person, whom he had met only once.

"We met at the airport," he told the stranger.

"Yes, we did," Baekhyun exclaimed, hoping the younger to trust him. Something about Kyungsoo was mysterious. Maybe it was the way the younger stared at Baekhyun, as if his eyes were seeing through Baekhyun.

"Help me," Kyungsoo begged, finally, "Please."

By that Jongin allowed Baekhyun to come closer, still his body was in defence mode. Kneeing down, Baekhyun saw his half-brother up close for the first time. He didn't pay attention last time when they had met at the airport, but this young man did look like his mother. No, their mother. His eyes are like hers, but Kyungsoo's got different colour. Her eyes are light brown while his are deep black. Seulgi used to tell him that very intelligent people have deep black eyes. Maybe she was right.

"Can you get me out of this?" Kyungsoo asked, raising his hand as high as he could so Baekhyun could notice the handcuff. The calmness in his voice scared Baekhyun. Wasn't he mommy's golden boy? A prince that was protected and loved by all means? Why wasn't he afraid in such a situation?

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