♡ Family (Part 2)

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This is a such a mini chapter, it's more like a teaser hahaha.
If you want, wait for the next chapter before reading this one.

Jongin enjoyed the feeling of Kyungsoo's soft lips against his. He enjoyed the bittersweet taste that the wine left on Kyungsoo's lips. As he put his hand on Kyungsoo's neck, he realized the feeling of Kyungsoo's bare skin was better than the best drug he'd ever tried. In contrast to the situation at the hotel, Jongin reacted immediately. With his whole body. When he noticed, Jongin startled. "What is happening?"

"Jongin" Kyungsoo grabbed the taller man by his hand, only to make the taller man push him away. The slightest skin contact could make things worse for him and Jongin knew that.

"Don't touch me," Jongin demanded. Maybe he was too crude. Maybe he didn't know what he was doing. But there was no time to think.

"Please let's talk about it," pleaded Kyungsoo.

"No, just stay away from me. You disgust me." And with that Jongin left the smaller male. Jongin closed the door behind him with a bang. The lantern in the garden threw a faint light on the mirror that hung opposite the door. Despite the dominance of the darkness, Jongin saw his shameful reflection. Out of breath, confused and excited. Like a schoolboy who discovered the Playboy for the first time. On the day he tied the knot with Kyungsoo, he didn't think such a harmless-looking man could have that effect on him.

Kyungsoo didn't plan to attack Jongin directly. But after a few glasses of wine, he couldn't think very logically. He didn't need a married life with the gangster boss. All he needed was a date. Just a date on which they were alone. An opportunity to disappear without getting Suho or any other person in trouble for losing him. Jongin only needed to fall for him. Just a little bit. Just for a moment.

But Kyungsoo had not considered one thing. Once you try to seduce someone, chances were that you might fall for your target as well.

A few days later, Kyungsoo called Suho and asked for a second chance to leave Seoul because the original plan no longer seemed feasible. Kyungsoo had been trying to talk to Jongin for days, but Jongin avoided him and ignored his calls.

It was almost 11 pm. Kyungsoo looked at his watch and sighed. He had hoped that Jongin would come home today. Today, on New Year's Eve. Therefore, the disappointment was great when the doorbell rang and Woobin was standing at the door instead of Jongin.

"How is my favorite brother-in-law?" Woobin asked.

"What are you doing here, Woobin?"

"What am I doing here, you ask? It is New Year's Eve. You should not be alone today." The older boy said, emphasizing every word.

"How did you know that I'm alone?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Oh please. I know my brother. And he said you had a fight. I figured out he would hide in his office today." Woobin explained.

"He told you about our fight?" Kyungsoo questioned Woobin's statement. It didn't sound like Jongin to talk to his brother about things like that, considering the fact that they were like dogs and cats.

"Well, not exactly, but he hinted that."

"Oh, I see. Come in, it's cold outside." Kyungsoo invited Woobin in.

"No, no, we'll go out. It's New Year's Eve."


Kyungsoo got into Woobin's car, still trying to figure out how Woobin could persuade him. He wasn't in the mood to hang out after all. Behind them, two of Jongin's men were in another car that tracked Kyungsoo on each step.

"Are you wearing a seatbelt?" Woobin asked as he looked at his passenger.

"Yes," replied Kyungsoo.

"Well then hold on tight," Woobin warned with joy before stepping on the gas.

Kyungsoo was shocked as the speed pushed him against the seat. The screaming engine only increased his nervousness. His "bodyguards" in the other car honk and try to stay tuned to him. But Woobin's sports car didn't give them a chance. Woobin shook them off just in a few minutes.

"There you are. We're rid of them."

The elder was happy like a kid who just won Mario Kart.

"What do you want to do, now that you are free of watchers, Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo froze at the question. Was it a test? Should he ask Woobin for help? Could he trust Woobin? This might be his only chance to leave this place. His only chance to leave Jongin.

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