♡ One step away

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"I'm free tonight. Same hotel?"

"Is it from a woman?" Kyungsoo asked when he saw the message on display.

"Of course, it's from a woman," Jongin answered with a hint of irritation. Why should he get such a message from a man? Why could Kyungsoo even consider that this message could be from a man?

"Are you going?"

"Can you stay home alone for a while?" For a short moment, he thought of calling Suho to come over. Yet for some reasons, he erased this idea.

"That's not what this is about," Kyungsoo replied.

"Then what is it about?" Jongin asked but feared to know the answer to his own question.

"Will you continue seeing others?"

Jongin was right. He knew this conversation was overdue. Still, he had hoped to delay it as long as possible.

"Do you expect me not to?"

To counter a question with a counter question, an ever-working strategy which Kyungsoo immediately noticed. But the smaller male could play this game as well.

"And what would you think about me dating other men? Because last time a man kissed me, you broke my leg. Remember?" Kyungsoo got right to the point.

"Is that what you're expecting me to do? That we would love each other? Like... for real?"

"What if I do?" That was the moment Kyungsoo noticed he went way overboard. He should silent urgently. He knew that. Yet, he couldn't help it. He was fired up for Jongin's response.

"I'm not gay, Baekhyun. For God's sake." Jongin literally screamed as if he wanted the world to hear. "Do you expect me to never have sex again?"

"Because you and I, that will never happen. Do you hear me?" Jongin lowered this voice after a short pause.

"I got it." Kyungsoo replied, looking straight at Jongin as a certification. Jongin escaped from his house right away as he couldn't bear seeing that sad expression on the younger's face.

Arrived at the hotel, Jongin couldn't forget the argument. For some reason, he had forgotten how much he hated that Byun Baekhyun person at the beginning. When did he start to care so much about that boy's feelings? He had never given a damn about others. He shouldn't start doing it now. Empathy was poison for business. Because that's so ... human.

"What's wrong with you today?" A female voice disturbed his thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Jongin sighed.

"You are not... into it," the young woman said as she lifted her head from between his legs.

"Got someone you like?" This question annoyed Jongin. Why did everybody want to talk about feeling today?

"What bullshit are you talking about?"

"Well, your little man doesn't want to wake up. That's never happened before, " she chuckled.

"Then maybe you're not trying hard enough."

"Oh honey, I'm not the one who's not hard enough," she said, mocking.

"Be careful," Jongin warned, grabbing her by her neck.

"Calm down. I just meant I can't do anything if it's not me you want to f*ck." The woman explained through her breaths.

She might be right, but that was something Jongin would never admit. Nevertheless, it was a clear sign when you're thinking about the fight with your fake husband while a porn star was lying in your bed.

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