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Chanyeol noticed the increasing pressure in his lungs as he held his breath. Trying not to move wasn't easy when he could feel Baekhyun's lips on his own. He knew it was Baekhyun's farewell... their last kiss.

"Goodbye, Chanyeol," whispered Baekhyun.

As the door slammed behind Baekhyun, Chanyeol gasped for air like a drowned man whose head was just above the water. Every muscle in his body signaled him to catch up with Baekhyun and hold on to the younger with all his might. Yet he had never been that type of man who listened to his heart. It has always been his rationality that ruled over him. He had promised not to hinder Baekhyun from leaving if it was Baekhyun's wish. He had to keep his word.

For fear of one single move might lead him to run after Baekhyun, Chanyeol froze. Just then he literally jumped up as someone rang the bell. The more motionless his body was before, the faster he sprinted to the front door now, hoping for the person on the other side to be Baekhyun who had returned.

Doubtlessly Chanyeol's disappointment was huge when he found his father behind the door.

"I have to discuss something with you before going to the office."

"Good morning to you too, father." Chanyeol greeted and stepped aside.

Mr. Park looked around as he entered the living room.

"Is Kyungsoo still sleeping?"

"He is ... going out," replied Chanyeol.

"It is convenient. I have a confidential job for you."

Mr. Park handed his son a sealed packet and continued.

"Please test these two DNA samples for relationship."

"What is it for? You have your own staff for such investigations."

"It's a delicate issue. It's about the Black Lotus. I just need someone I can trust unquestionably." Chanyeol understood the situation. When it comes to the three criminal organizations of the underworld, his father can behave very paranoidly.

"Black Lotus? Since when do you get involved in an investigation of the South? "

"The bastards do not just operate only in the South anymore. They have a deal with the White Snake. Apparently, these bastards work together."

"And whose DNAs are this? How did you get them? "

"Just examine them as soon as possible, please. You are the only one I can assign to this task. And act discreetly."

This answer did not satisfy Chanyeol, but he knew his father very well. Each tries to elicit something from him would be in vain.

"Fine, but it might take a while if no one should get wind of it."

"Do whatever is necessary and call me as soon as you get the result."

"Ok, I'll go to the lab right away." Chanyeol was happy about the extra task. Work is exactly what he needed now to take his mind off Baekhyun.

"Say hello to Kyungsoo for me. What's he doing outside so early? " Mr. Park stood up, ready to leave.

For a moment, Chanyeol hesitated. Just then he realized that a lie has no legs.

"He's gone," admitted Chanyeol.

"Where did he go?"

"He left ..." Before Chanyeol could finish his sentence, the doorbell rang once again in this hectic morning.

Chanyeol opened the front door and couldn't believe his eyes. There Baekhyun stood, within one's reach.

"Ah, sorry. I wanted to go for a walk and forgot my keys." Baekhyun explained with a shy smile. Confused but overjoyed, Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun in his arms. Only when he felt Baekhyun's warmth, he knew it wasn't a dream.

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