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Baekhyun slammed the door shut behind and threw himself on the bed. No one had made him so angry since his father had gone to prison. How often had the guys he'd slept with acted like they had a hangover? Just so they could pretend nothing happened. Until now, he was fine with it. Yes, he was even glad every time he could avoid an embarrassing conversation. However, he hadn't expected Chanyeol to be one of them. Especially not after Chanyeol had confessed to him. It was just another lie to get into his pants. Sex didn't matter to him. It was just sex. Yet, lying and playing with his feelings was unforgivable. He should have punched that jerk much stronger.

Still hearing Chanyeol's voice through the closed door, Baekhyun put on his headphones to block any upcoming lies. He stared at the ceiling, thinking about the next step. In the end, he decided upon an early return. Tomorrow morning, he would call the airline and book the next flight home. The music in his ears soothed him and without noticing, he fell asleep.

When the wind flung open the window, the slam ripped Baekhyun from his sleep. "It's raining," Baekhyun thought of the obvious. He carefully approached the window and closed it, after making sure that no one or nothing was standing outside. Nightly thunderstorm on the beach was kind of creepy.

He was about to go to the living room to check the other windows as he found Chanyeol right next to the bedroom door. The older one was sitting on the floor with his hands behind his neck and his face looking down. He looked like a criminal who had been caught and was now waiting for his interrogation.

Immediately, Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun. He was silent, but his eyes were like those of a puppy when it asked for a treat.

"You were here the whole time?" Baekhyun asked, trying to avoid those eyes.

"Please listen to me." Chanyeol pleaded.

"Why? So you can tell me more lies? "

"I never lied to you. I really forgot what happened last night and it seems like we had slept with each other. But I didn't want to draw premature conclusions. That's why I ask you if we did? "

"I understand," Baekhyun replied. His voice was calm. Yet inside, he was burning in anger.

"Well, you know, sometimes there are situations that are not what they look like. And yesterday ..." Baekhyun paused. Yes, he had to admit he was a drama queen.

"It was exactly what it looked like." Baekhyun saw clearly how hope returned in Chanyeol's eyes and how it was immediately extinguished by his words. Even though he felt a touch of bad conscience, it was still a pleasure to punish Chanyeol. Suddenly, he was afraid of himself. Was he a sadist? A psychopath? When Chanyeol didn't know what to say, Baekhyun saved him from his suffering.

"You know what? Let's just pretend nothing had happened. You go your way and I go mine. "

"But that's not what I want." Chanyeol finally said.

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I want to know what happened. I want to know what to do. "

"Oh, and before you know that, you've decided to act like an ass?" Baekhyun roared.

"I was wrong, I know. But I really don't know what happened after the kiss. I want you to tell me. I don't want to pretend nothing happened between us." Chanyeol explained.

"You didn't forget the kiss?" Baekhyun asked in amazement. Now it occurred to him, Chanyeol hadn't had a chance to speak at all.

"No, I didn't, neither the kiss nor what I said before. Was that the reason you're so mad at me?"

"Well ... yes." Wasn't it obvious? Everything seemed as if Chanyeol had only confessed to get Baekhyun into bed; and the morning after, he chose the easiest way to get out of the mess.

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