♡ Till death do us part

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Long chapter alert ^^
The last chapter is coming. I know it has been years, so please do me a favour and reread the last 4 or 5 chapters to remember the story.

"Good morning," greeted the woman behind the counter with a smile as soon as Jongin entered the flower shop. It was a small flower shop on the edge of town, not far away from the cemetery, run by an old couple. The assortment wasn't huge because they grow all flowers themselves. Yet, for some reason, Jongin preferred this little shop to the famous and expensive ones in the middle of Seoul. Maybe it was the charm of an old house at the end of the road. To enter the shop, you had to walk past the small but colorful garden. Maybe it was the fresh air in the mountain, or maybe Jongin simply enjoyed the long walk to this place.

"The usual?" The old woman asked, and Jongin nodded.

"Would you like some coffee while waiting? I just made some."

"Yes," replied Jongin.

"Please, take a seat," the woman gestured with her hand.

"Thank you," Jongin said, sitting down at the metal and rusted table. It was small, old, and retro, just like this shop. Jongin looked out of the window, breathing in the flowers' scents in the air. Soo would have loved this place. It was like a coffee shop and a flower shop in one, plus it was in the mountains. Soo had loved the countryside.

"Grandpa, can you bring us some coffee?" The woman called for her husband, and he answered with a loud "Ok" from the back room.

"Here," said the old man as he placed a mug on the table. Immediately the scent of coffee reached Jongin. It was just a cup of black coffee; nothing about it was extravagant or comparable to Seoul's finest coffee. Still, Jongin loved it.

"It smells heavenly. Thank you." The gang leader replied, and both shop owners smiled.

"Don't you want some lilies today? They are so beautiful this season," asked the old man out of the blue, causing his wife to sigh.

"Old man, don't bother our customer." She nagged at him.

"I was just saying," her husband argued, "even the favorite food shouldn't be eaten every day. What's bad about a change?"

"Leave the young man alone," she said, slapping his upper arm as a warning.

"Grandma, I was just talking to our customer," responded the old man with a shrug.

"Don't mind him. I'll get you the lavender flowers as usual." His wife told Jongin, who shook his head.

"Lilies sounds good," Jongin changed his mind.

Placing the pink flowers on the grave, Jongin smiled. The old man was right. The lilies were beautiful. Jongin's eyes wandered from the flowers to the shiny golden wings on the gravestone. A leaf had stuck on it. Brushed down the leaf, Jongin cleaned the wings with his handkerchief.

"You're free now," he said, knowing he would never get a response from Soo. Never again.

Jongin kept silent for he had nothing to say. How often had he visited this grave? All the things he wanted to say had been said. All the tears he got had been shed. Soo was gone, and he was doomed to live.

"Till death do us part?" Who would have thought his vow would become real? Had he said that at their wedding? Jongin couldn't even remember the ceremony. Everything seemed so meaningless that day. Soo seemed so meaningless that day. Jongin bit on his lip. He had been a fool. He had been so wrong.

After saying goodbye, Jongin headed to the parking lot. On his way, the gang leader passed by someone whom he wouldn't have paid much attention to if the man wouldn't have covered his entire face. The cap and the mask would have been acceptable, but the extra glasses had overdone it all. And what was the deal about that red cap? The red was so bright. That man, did he want to be noticed or not?

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