Chapter 6- W. H. A.T.

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Trevor's POV

We got the test results from Ricky back, and I swear I almost had a heart attack thinking about what could have he opened if he wasn't okay.

"Well you see, Ricky woke up and he will be ready to go home in a few days. We need to make sure he's gonna be okay enough to leave." He explained.

"Okay. Can we see him?" Connor stepped in, talking quieter than ever.

"For sure! Right this way!" We were lead to a room with Richard Dillon on the outside of the door.

"Just in here. You can go inside if you wish." The doctor stepped away. We opened the door and Ricky was on his phone... Typical Ricky.

"Hey Rickers." I smiled, greeting the boy in the bed.

"Hai Trevvy. And Conn. And Da Bean." He waved. We all laughed at how quiet, yet how funny the statement was.

"Ello!" I said and walked up to him, giving him a hug. I let go and the others went and hugged him too.

"Why?" Kian asked dissapointedly. (Idk if that's a word/how to spell it :P)

"I don't wanna talk about it now." Ricky said, ashamed.

"Okay." Kian smiled.

-after they get home-

"Guys I texted MY mom, she's picking me up in ten." I said, looking to my phone.

"Okay. Well let's make this the best ten minutes of your life!" Connor screamed. Oh. My. God. I'm terrified.

"I don't know weather to be scared, or happy..." I trailed off.

"BOTH!!" All five of them screamed. After like fifteen minutes of them fighting about what they were gonna do, I had to go home.

"Thanks for trying guys, but I gotta go now." I said and picked up my shoes to put them on.

"Kay." Sam said as they all walked downstairs.

"Why do you all look like sad puppies? Its not like I've never left to go home before..." I said and they all laughed.

"I know but it gets so bored without you! Without the queen of O2L!" Kian said and hugged me.

"Well maybe I'll be able to move in soon." I winked.

"THAT'D BE AWESOME!!!!!" They said as they planned it.

"I'll talk to my mom tonight. See if it'll be possible. But she's flooding my phone with messages so I gotta really go. BYEEEE!!!" I yelled and walked outside and walking to my moms car.

"Hey mom!" I said as I shut the door, waving to the boys inside.

"Hey Trevor!" She said, way too excitedly.

"What got you so excited?" I asked.

"Were moving!" She said.

"Where...?" I asked, absolutely horrified for the answer.

"San Antonio, Texas!" She smiled. I put on the most horrified face I possiblt could.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?" I screamed.

Okay I know this is LONG OVERDUE... But Grace and I have been pretty busy and stuff. We will TRY and update regularly. But with our own.books and all that jazz that comes before, we might not update very regularly.



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