Chapter 8- Ummm

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Trevor's POV

I stepped outside to call my mom...

"Hey mom..." I said quietly after she picked up the phone.

"Trevor get back here!" She hissed.

"Mom hold on. Can I live in the O2L house instead of moving to Texas?" I asked with my most polite voice I could manage.

"No. You're coning with me! Do you know how immature and irresponsible those boys are? I don't want you living in a house full of hooligans!" She said angrily. Ouch. That hurt.

"Mom I'm a part of them! Obviously you think I'm an 'irrisponsable and immature hooligan' because believe it or not, they've been a better family to me than you have." I said, getting more powerful with each word said.

"Trevor I don't care of you think they're good people. I know them, Trevor. You're coming with me, and that's final."


"That's final!" She cut me off. She hung up on me too, probably so I don't fight back. I texted Tyler that I was leaving. He said that I have to be strong.

I really have no where else to go now. I can't go back home. I can't go to the o2l house or else I'll probably break down crying for years. I don't have a car to go anywhere. I guess I could walk to Starbucks go get my mind off of stuff. I tweeted...

'Hey guys. How's your day goin? Mine isn't so well... I'm moving down to Texas... :(' I said and immediatly got a bunch of replies asking why. I guess I'll make a video about it, but my camera is at the O2L house... I guess I'll go back there... As I walked back, I thought of everything I've done with them. I mean, I won't see them, probably ever again, or very, vary rarely. I will see them, for like VidCon, Playlist and all that, but I won't be able to see them as often... I smiled to myself thinking of the tour, and the success we've been through together. I finally arrived there. I knocked on the door and the guys were basically crying their eyes out.

"Is it true you're moving?!?!" I heard from some of them. I nodded and asked to come in. I stepped inside, admiring all of the details about this house.

"I was gonna get my camera and explain what's going on..." I said and walked upstairs to 'my' bedroom. Its the guest bedroom, but I use it whenever I sleep over.  I grabbed my camera and set up the lights and my camera on the tripod. I texted the guys not to come up because I was filming.

"What's up everybody, its Trevor Moran and this video isn't up on my usual day. This is an explanation video, and it won't be edited either. So if you follow me on twitter, you'd see that I'm moving down to Texas. This isn't a joke or a prank, its seriously 100% real. I tried talking my mom to let me stay, and live with the boys, but she said no and that she didn't trust them, and she called them hooligans. So I'm sorry this is only going to be like a minute  or so long, and I'll make a more detailed video later, but for now, this is all you get.

*insert self promo here*

*talks about how the echo music video will be up 'soon'*

*does outro*

*turns camera off*

*bursts into tears*

*uploads video*

Sooooooo yeah that happened. Sorry


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