It's the beginning of Season 69. Calamity has started to notice a little bit of a bump on her stomach. She's beginning to think she knows the reason why, since she's been waking up sick and nauseous. If it's true, then John successfully planted his seed within Calamity's soil. It probably was true, since John Wick done diddly-doodled her every day for months now. It was really hot every time.
But how will Calamity compete if she has a child? It'll slow her down. Then again, she loves John, with all heart and vajayjay. Every time she sleeps, she dreams of him. Every time she hammers her jack, she thinks of him doing it. Every time she thinks, it's of John.John began to notice the junk in her trunk. It made her sexier. Noice! Absolute fetish! Hell yeah! But the world was soon to know that they were together if she bears his child. Might as well as give the big bam slam to Calamity's clam-clam as much as he can before the child is born.
But if Calamity births John's child, what shall happen to it? John pondered the possibilities. He did want kids. He did want happiness. He wants a family. He wants his life back. The world will know of it, and there's no going back into hiding and having a private life. Could John finally retire? What will happen to Calamity? Could she ever be satisfied (even though John does this daily) with a life of settling down with a family?
John kissed Calamity the next time he saw her. "We must talk, my love," John told her.
"Soon," Calamity whispered, putting her finger up to his lips, and then moving her body down to level her eyes with John's Subway sandwich. Lunchtime!
"Oh, Calamity... yes, baby! YES! I'M COMPLETING! I- FU- yesssss."
"Now that I'm done, I want you to know I'm t0tally pr3gg3rs." She moved John's hand to feel her stomach. Sexy!
"I knew it," John told her. "I love you."
"I love you!" Calamity giggled. She kissed him once more and they lay in each other's arms until the Battle Bus™ arrived.
RomanceCalamity and John Wick are from different seasons... but can they find love despite the hardships?