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Ah sleep the best part of the day

Your worries go away and it's great

I always have the best dreams ever it's like everything that goes on in my life goes away

Seriously it's the best

If you do-

"WAKE UP!" Im interrupted by my asshole brother

"Ew go away" I mumble putting my head in my pillow

"No you have to wake up we have school soon"

"Can I stay home"

"You know mom would never allow it now get up"

I sigh and sit up

"I'm tired" I pout

"Do you want a boyfriend"


"Then get up and put on your new clothes"

"Ugh Fine"

I get up tiredly and he hands me one of the outfits

"Put this on"

"Um get out of my room"

"Oh please we literally took baths together"

I roll my eyes and put on the outfit

"Do you like it?" I ask

"Omg yes you look great. See you are destined to get a boyfriend"

"I hope you're right"
We get to school and as soon as I walk in the building everyone looks at me

It's like time stopped as I walked in

It's the total movie moment

I shyly look down and walk to my locker

Right when I get to my locker a bunch of people come up to me

"Omg are you new I've never seen you before"

"You're so pretty"

"What's your name"

I'm kind of uncomfortable I'm not used to all this attention

"Um I've been at this school every year"

"No way! What's your name" Gabriella Gonzalez says to me

I've known this girl my whole life

Seriously it's crazy we used to be best friends in like 3rd grade

She even dated my brother for a little bit before he found out he was gay

"Jessica. I've been in all your classes our whole lives."

"Oh really what's my name"


"Oh well you're hot now. I wouldn't mind dating you"

"Umm I-"

"Gabbie go away." Jonah comes up to me and makes her leave

I am in shock

Like why is he coming over to me

This is weird I don't like it but at the same time I love it

"Hey my names Jonah you're hot" he puts his hand out and I stare at it

Does he really not recognize me

"Jonah I'm Jessica your project partner"

"No way... oh my god no this is not real. Why do you look so... good"

"Oh I wanted to switch some things around and so I figured I should change my style"

"Well you look hot and really really good"


"I don't mind doing our project now" he smirks and looks me up and down

I'm kind of hurt that he only likes me like this

This is the new me not the me I know

I mean I like the style and all but I just miss my conformable clothes

Maybe I'll get used to my new style one day

✅ Bad for You// J.M ✅Where stories live. Discover now