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its now the day of the party and i'm really nervous

what do i wear, what do i do, what do i drink

i don't want to wear like a normal shirt and jeans that you would wear on a normal day. but at the same time i don't want to wear like super short shorts and a short shirt and look like a hoe

also should i drink at the party? i don't want to get super blacked out drunk especially since it's my first ever time. but i also don't want to be the one non drunk person

ugh i don't know! maybe i should just not go

je- hey jonah um i don't think i'm going to come to the party tonight

jo- what why not

je- well i don't know what to wear or how to act or if i'm going to drink or what's going to happen

jo- okay so i'll help you get ready and i'll be with you the whole time

je- okay fine i'm just extremely nervous

jo- aw do you want me to come over now the party's in a few hours

je- yes please
jonah gets to my house and he's now looking through my closet

"what type of clothes do you wanna wear"

"i don't know. i don't want to look like a nun but i don't want to look like a hoe"

"i see i see. welllllll i'm not good at fashion but i know what makes me turned on"

"what makes you turned on"

"well on you i like seeing nothing buuuut since we're gonna be in public i wanna see as little clothing as possible"

"that makes me look like a hoe!"

"not necessarily. here wear this" he throws shorts and a shirt that is basically a bra at me

by the way Jack bought that and randomly put it in my closet

i put on the outfit and turn to Jonah


"mmm you look hot"

"do i look like a hoe?"

"not at all plus your ass looks so good in those shorts"

"okay i'll wear it"


i roll my eyes and close my closet

"too bad i look hot while you look like... that"

"excuse me"

"kidding you always look good" i kiss him and we leave the house for the party

let's see how my first high school party goes

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