Chapter 4: Assault

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  A/N: Hey. It's me. Sorry for not posting anything for a long time. I just got over a bunch of personal shit and I got caught up in Black Ops 3 Easter Eggs and playing Siege. I also just got a laptop and school started again. So I've been trying to balance school work, Easter Eggs, Siege and this. Well, here's Chapter 4, so get ready. It's a good one.

   I wake up at 6:30. I get up and get dressed. While I'm brushing my teeth, Mira wakes up. She comes over and kisses my cheek. I toss her a little box of chocolates I got for her a little while ago but forgot to give it to her. "What's this for?" She asks. "No reason, just because," I say after spitting out the water in my mouth. "Thanks." She says, kissing me again. I finish up in the bathroom and move into the kitchen. I start making bacon, eggs, and biscuits. Sometimes Mira and I like to eat homemade foods. Most of the time, we grab a meal from the cafeteria because it's quick and easy. Mira meets me in the kitchen and helps me cook. Most of the time I end up burning the bacon or biscuits. I can do eggs. We joke and laugh while we cook. Jordan and Yumiko show up at our door, so we have to make more food for them. I end up making 2 fried over-easy eggs, and 2 scrambled. Thermite and I got the scrambled eggs. We put the bacon and eggs in a tortilla and add some cheese. I add some pepper to mine and eat it like a burrito. Jordan heats his tortilla before making a burrito. Mira and Hibana just eat them regularly. After our food, we go to do a little training. We start by lifting weights in the gym. I can do 50 reps at 150 pounds. Jordan does 75. Once we're done, the meeting is called. "All operators, please meet in the Mess Hall at this time. Thank you." Harry says over the radio. "Well, here we go. Back to the home of the brave." I say. We put our stuff back and head out. We're some of the last to arrive. Delta and I meet up and take a table. Harry has us sit by CTU to get us all memorized. "Ok, two things. One, you all know you are supposed to leave for the mission today, but that will be postponed until this evening. We have two new operators here right now, so everyone, welcome Nøkk, and Warden!" Harry finishes and they step forward. Something about Warden is rather familiar to me. The way he stands, talks, and pretty much everything. When I get the chance to talk to him, I ask him. "You from the Marines?" I ask. "Yep. Then I moved on to the Secret Service. That was a good time too." He explains. "Alright. Well, I'll show you and Nøkk around in a bit. Have you been briefed on the mission?" I ask. "Yessir. We're going to Minnesota to clear out some terrorists." He responds. "Right. Well then, follow me." I say. Nøkk appears at his side. I jump a little. "What? Scared by my sudden appearance?" She asks. "A little. Guess I'm just gonna have to get used to that." I say. I lead them around. Last thing I show them is their room. "Bunked by CTU. Here's where you do everything like dressing and shit. Put your stuff in here and get ready for the mission. I've been told we ship out at 2100 hours." I say and leave. Before I leave, Warden salutes me. I return the gesture. I walk to my room and flop on my bed and take a nap. 

     I wake up at 20:40 hours. Well then, better get ready for the mission. I suit up in my "formal" combat armor. It's almost like Warden's, but mine's a lighter shade of blue. I put .44 magnum on my side. It shoots .44 rounds, like Kaid and Nomad's, but its a revolver like the French operators'. I grab my AR-15, which I now use on missions because Mav's and I's are different. Mine's full auto, and shoots a .223. I head up to the helipads at 20:45. Mira, Nøkk, Warden and Jackal are waiting at helipad 3. "How long you been up here?" I ask. Nøkk responds with "Since 20:40. Mira was going to wake you, but she knew you needed your rest." "Alright. Well, let's load up and ship out!" I yell, and we all board the choppers. It's a seven-hour flight to Minnesota. Warden and I chat about our days back in the Corps. "Is it true that you met President Obama?" I ask him. "Yes, when I met Harry. The President and he were talking about the defense of the world and other Rainbow things. The President recommended me for service to Rainbow. Harry asked if I would like that. I accepted, and now I'm here." He explains. "Wow, I was just told I was needed here after the attack on the University a while back," I say. The rest of the ride I'm mostly quiet because I'm tired. I'm awoken right before we land. I shake the sleepiness out of me and I'm ready to go. The choppers land and we all hop off. Harry speaks up. "Ok! The place we're staying for the night is a mile up the road!" He says over the choppers' loud leave. Most of everyone's vehicles are here. I see Warden move to what looks like a car straight out of a James Bond movie. "I can fit the 5 of us in here." He says. Jackal takes the front seat while Nøkk, Mira, and I fill the back. It's a 30-minute drive from here to the hotel. Mira and I ask about Nøkk. She doesn't reveal much about herself, just how the Jaeger Corps was. She asks about us. We tell her about how we met and got married. Mira tells her about how I saved her while they were getting some intel about a major Mask operation. I blush a little at the fact that the story is retold. Jackal and Warden chat about something or another I don't hear. We arrive at the hotel. The staff is nice, and we yet again have an entire floor. We bunk the same as we do at Hereford, but we put 4 to a room. Delta and Jackal are in Mira and I's room. "Why did Harry assign us 4 to a room when we have an entire floor?" Delta and I say at the same time. "I don't know," Mira says. Jackal goes out and manages to move out of our room, and shows Harry his mistake. Delta gets put in a room with Ash. Mira and I are together. "Finally, some quiet," I say. It's about 4:00 because timezones are weird. I take off my clothes and go get a shower. Mira takes one after me. I shave while she showers. "So, what was your rank in the USMC?" Mira asks. "Lieutenant Colonel," I respond. "Just like one of my JROTC teachers. The other was Master Sergent, like Warden." "Oh wow," Mira says. I finish shaving. I throw on some gym shorts. While I do, someone pounds on our door. "Comin'!" I yell. I open it and see Ash standing there. "What's up, slowpoke?" I say, teasingly. "Shut up, I have a question. You and Delta are Marines, right?" She asks. "Yes, ma'am. He was a Major and I was a Lieutenant Colonel, why?" "He acts kinda weird around me. Not like his normal self." She states. "Just talk to him, he's a bit shy sometimes. He hasn't met anyone except Mira, Jackal, Blu and I." I say. "Alright, thanks." She says, saluting me. "You're welcome. Next time, no salute unless we're both in uniform." I say, returning the salute. She leaves and I shut the door. I flop on the bed and try to fall asleep. Mira soon joins me and we fall asleep together.

Enlisted: A Rainbow Six Siege Story (Book 2 of the Recruited series)Where stories live. Discover now