Chapter 11: The War of Stalingrad (Part 4)

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     Jordan gave me a Mask outfit he stole and I put it on. I was able to convince the guard I was a man named Ceasar Zeppeli and that I was just out doing some recon. He bought it and let me in. I walked by everyone else without a question. I had a bit of a hard time getting around. "Hey, guy! What are ya looking for?" A mask asks me. "I'm looking for the interro chambers. Know where they are?" I ask in my best Italian accent. "Yea, down 4 floors and to the right. Everyone knows that I thought." He says. "I've been out on recon for so long and this facility is so big. Thanks, anyway." I tell him. He seems confused. "You're welcome..." He says slowly. I hurry off. I find the elevator and go down according to his direction. Thank god Jordan and Nøkk were able to get me an all-access pass to this place. I step out and tell the guy to let me in. He does so and I walk into the woman's interro room. Perfect. I see that the hostages just arrived. The first one they pull out is Mira. "Shit..." I say softly. I reach the door and tell the guy he has the second round. He sighs sadly and shuffles away. "Sick fuck. Anyway, you know anything about Rainbow?" I say to Mira while still in my Italian accent. "Why should I tell you, puto?" Mira says. She spits at me. "Well, well, well. We have a feisty one, huh? Just the way I like em'! I'm taking this one to the back, fellas!" I say. I take Mira back. She fights me all the way there. I pull out a stonecutter. "What kind of sick things do you plan to do to me?" She asks, disgusted. "Freeing you, that's what," I tell her and drop the accent. She realizes what I've done. She apologizes over and over. "Danke, now, let's get you out," I say. I cut a hole wide enough for her to crawl through. She does and escapes. I do this for the rest of the female troops. I'm halfway through all of the hostages when an alert goes off. "WARNING. AN ENEMY SPY IS IN THE BASE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. FIND CEASAR ZEPPELI. THIS IS NOT A DRILL." The intercom says. "Shit. Well, guess I got to work faster now." I say to myself. The rest of the hostages are in the room now. I hurry them through the hole. The women have all escaped. I hope that they made it to the bank.  The men have also escaped, as I can hear. The masks find me. "Well, well, well. It has been a pleasure. But, I must go. Arrivederci!" I say to them. I find that the snow caved in with the last hostage leaving and my exit is now blocked. "Well, shit. I didn't want to do this." I say to them. They shoot at me with M14's. "Ace of Spades!" I yell. (Play the song, it's what I based this entire thing on.) A ghost-like figure appears behind me and catches the bullets. He drops them. "I really didn't want to include this, but it seemed like a really good idea to get me out of this situation," I say to the masks. They fire more at me. I pull out a 6 of spades. Ace speeds up and catches the bullets almost as fast as they're fired. I push up and shoot the masks with my 1911. This continues for a while, Ace catching bullets for me and me killing the masks that unfortunately shot said bullets. I take out a lot of the masks before escaping. Once I escape, Ace has bullet holes in his shoulders and so do I. I recall Ace. "You did good, bud. Thanks." I tell him. (You can end the song if you want.) I can feel his smile. I perform some quick removals and patch myself up. I walk back to the bank where the entirety of Rainbow is. "Holy hell, how did you un-fuck yourself this time?" Ash asks. "It's complicated. I'll explain everything, but for now, I need to rest. I just fought an entire war by myself." I tell them. I fall on one knee. Warden and Sledge pick me up and help me walk back to base. They lay me on my cot and Doc checks up on me. I pass out while Doc works.

     I wake up and am confused. "Hey, you! How long have I been out?" I ask a marine. I woke up in the Marine Corps tent. "It has been 5 days since you came back, sir!" The man says. "Thank you, dismissed," I tell him. I get up and throw a shirt on. I already had a pair of sweatpants on. I also throw on my woodland camo uniform. I walk over to the Rainbow tent. I hold my head in agony as I walk over. "Damn, we're packin'? Why?" I ask Harry as I meet him. "Well, your miracle 5 days ago made the masks retreat out of Russia. They're not totally gone, but I expect they won't be a problem for a little while. So, we're not needed here anymore. We're packing up and leaving." He explains to me. "10-4. Need my help?" I ask. "Well, most of this stuff is the Russian Army's, so no. We already have our stuff packed. We're just helping take other stuff to the Russians. Speaking of which, I think you should go check on them." Harry says. I take his direction and go see them. Nikolai greets me. "Ultra! Your operation was a success, I see!" He says. "Yessir," I say. We shake hands. I'm then attacked by Dempsey tackling me. "You son of a bitch! Ya did it!" He says. "Hey, missed ya too, Tank. Get off of me though, gotta take it easy." I say. He gets off and helps me up off the ground. Richtofen greets me next. "Great job, Jason." He says to me. "Danke. I hope your teaching career is going well." I tell him. "It is, in fact. I just got my master's in Physical and Mental health, and am now helping students at the University study for their degrees." He explains. "Good job, Doctor. Now, Takeo is going to appear." I say. He appears to the left of Nikolai. We bow to each other and shake one another's hand. "How've you been, Tak?" I ask him. "I've had a rather peaceful life. I am most happy to see my children at play. How have you been, mister Stone?" He asks me. "Still kicking ass and taking names," I tell him. We all chat a little more before I get called by Colonel Rhodes. "See you later, gentlemen. I have business to attend to." I say to them. They all say goodbye in their language. I run off and meet Rhodes. I stand at attention and salute her. "You called, Colonel Rhodes?" I ask her. "At ease. I'm just dismissing you from your service with us. But, before you go, I'm promoting you. Congratulations, Colonel Jason Stone." She says. She goes through the regular promotion ceremony and takes off my old rank. She now places my new rank on my collar and replaces my patch. She gives me a good slap on the right arm. I don't move though. "Fall out," She says. I do so. I thank her and my squad congratulates me. "Alright, I have a promotion of my own. Sergent Chavez! Front and center!" I command. He appears in front of me. "I'm promoting you to First Sergent," I say. I go through the promotion ceremony and all that. "Three promotions in one. That's a big honor, you know," I tell him. "I know. Thank you so much!" He says. "Atten-hut! First Sergent Chavez is now the squad leader of Ultra Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie squads. They will be renamed appropriately. Just never forget me. Oohrah!" I say. They say it back. I fall in the back. Chavez falls us out. We do so and congratulate him. I walk back to what used to be the Rainbow tent. Seems like we're ready to fly out. The choppers have now arrived in the empty lot. I get in with Mira, Warden, Delta, and Pulse. We chat about what a crazy time we had. Everyone in the chopper congratulates me on my rank up. The rest of the chopper ride is silent. Mira and I fall asleep in each other's arms. 

     I wake up before the chopper lands. I see Mira curled up in my lap. I honestly don't want to wake her. "Hey, sleepy. Wake up time." I tell her. She stirs and gives me a hug. "What time is it?" She asks. Pulse says it's 00:00. "Damn, perfect timing for the choppers to land, huh?" I say. "Right. Well, let's get on the ground and get settled back in Hereford." Warden says. "Damn right. I haven't had a good night's rest in a while." Delta says. The choppers land and we collect our stuff. I throw my stuff on my bed. Mira follows suit. "I'm not tired. Want to see one of my favorite games from my childhood?" I ask Mira. "Sure!" She says. I take out an Xbox One X and boot up Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. I go into Zombies mode and pick Der Eisendrach. "Wanna play?" I ask her. "High round or Easter Egg?" She asks. "Your pick," I say. We settle on Easter Egg. I make it through the egg flawless. Mira has one down in the boss fight. Once we blow up the moon, we both down and celebrate our victory. "That's the first time I've done an egg." She says. "Damn, really? I've done nearly everyone. The ones I haven't done are Shadows of Evil, Gorod Krovi, Blood of the Dead, and Dead of the Night." I say. She seems a bit angry that I just told her that. "You didn't have to tell me that," She says. "Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you. Maybe we can do more later." I say. I move in to hug her. She accepts my hug. "Fucking tall ass." She says. "Sorry! I can't help me being tall. It's genetic." I say. "Was your dad a basketball player?" She asks. "No. He made rocket launchers." I say. She chuckles and throws me onto the couch. We make out for a while before falling asleep in each other's arms for the night. 

Enlisted: A Rainbow Six Siege Story (Book 2 of the Recruited series)Where stories live. Discover now