Finding Brooklyn-Joe

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As I sped up I85 all I could think was I had to find Brooklyn before I loose her forever this time. I was too stupid when she left the first time I didnt stop her I let her walk away Ill be damn sure its not going to happen again. I have a sixteen hour drive ahead of me 1,100 miles and I dont even know when she left how much of a headstart she has. I grabbed my phone dialing her number it was obvious that she had sent me to voicemail,

"Brookie baby answer me please, call me please I love you!!!"

I threw the phone on the passenger seat. This would be so much easier if I still had my connects Id be able to make some calls and have her location pinged, I could have Cameron follow her make sure she was safe till I could get to her, none was a option now. There was a reason though that I was the best in the business and I need to channel that and look at it from that. I drove straight through stopping only one time to piss. I made it into New York at by seven that night, I made the over 16 hout trip in little over 13. I finally made it here but now is my challenge to find her. Ive never been to the Gravino house in Staten Island shit I never even been to New York, all I know is Staten Island is notorious for being the breeding ground for the mob and its crawling with made men. Made men were the most notoriously violent and dangerous family members and the highest ranking. Any of the made men were connected with one of the five organized crime families, cross any of them you die. Im about to go face to face with the worst of the worst out of all these families. Anthony has faced many charges most of them never stuck, There were charges ranging from everything from drugs, money laundering to three different murder trials, none of his charges ever stuck that only fueled Brooks fathers sense of being untouchable. As many murder attempted people have tried to pull of from other crime families trying to stake claim to varies businesses no one ever was successful most ended up dead or missing because of it. Knowing all this you think I would just let her go not put myself at risk but for Brook there is never a question Id go against every crime family member for her.

I pulled up Gianna's address out of my phone I remembered I had it in there, Brooklyn had given it to me when we first went on the run in case anything was to ever happen she said she would know what to do since she came from the same lifestyle and family ties as Brook. I found it and set it in my GPS and I headed to Gianna's in a hurry. I made it in twenty minutes. I pulled up to a small house on the outskirts and I slammed my car in park and jumped out walking to the door. I raised my hand knocking on the door. A few seconds the door opens and a small little blond appears, she very much reminded me of Brooklyn.

"Hi Im looking for Gianna Im...."

"Your Joe I know who you are, she isnt here"

"but you heard from her"



" She is okay, I cant tell you where she is"

"Please Gianna I have to know"

" Im sorry I can!."

She goes to shut the door and I step and block it,


"listen I need to find her please Im desperate"

"I really cant Im sorry."

A tear slid from my eye, Gianna noticed right away,

"Listen Gianna I have to find her its a matter of life and death for her. I dont know what she told you but I have to find her."

She paused for a moment and sighed, she stepped to the side opening the door allowing me in. I followed her through the front to the livingroom sitting down on the sofa, she sat down in a chair across from me.

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