Chapter 1 - We're free

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Hi! Author here, before we start I want to say a few things
1- There is some non logical parts in this but just go with it honestly
2- this will include other ships that I enjoy :)
3- Any trigger warnings will be mentioned at the start for your happiness,
Also Kaito and kokichi never died in this version
Anyways. Let's go!

Shuichi's POV

Running. That's all we could do. Me, Kaito Maki and the others had all uncovered the mastermind, Tsumugi Shirogane; who was currently being blown to pieces by kiibo.
I think we all realise that he won't be joining us whenever we get there. Well, where ever 'there' is exactly. It didn't matter where it was.
Just anywhere away from that hell-hole.

Himiko finally broke our silence. "H-hey guys?" We all glanced towards her
"I just thought that- we should wait for kiibo?"

I guess one of us had to hope for his survival, to be honest id given up on any chance of him surviving-

Out of nowhere Maki's piercing voice ruined my thought "Everyone get down!"
She and all the other threw themselves to the ground as I was struck in the head.

Fuck. That hurt..

I was awoken to a comforting room
I was comfortably lay on a king-sized bed
In a faded lilac coloured room, I turned my head to the side to observe more. I saw a few paintings, just oil pastel flowers I think.
I looked further down, Kaito sat on the edge of the bed, turned away from me, he instead faced a blaring tv screen, the screen was blurry for a bit; my eyes then adjusted to the horrible
site on screen.

They know that we've left the academy

Im sorry it's short, I'm gonna do them short so i can hopefully upload one a day!
Or maybe two depends if I'm busy or not- anyways tell me what you think, anything you'd like to see in this
Or just anything I can improve on..
Bye for now ^^

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