Chapter 2 - New Life

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Kokichi's POV

When I first woke up-
I wasn't exactly treated with kindness, you see. Some dumbass put me in a room with Maki
Yes, of all people they put me with that
twisted murderer-

When I first woke up I was on the floor, an ice pack on my head along with a hell of a lot of dust. I was also covered in cuts and bruises which had hardly been treated, some of the neon pink blood had even tainted the floors colour around me
Tch, she's totally useless when it comes to bandaging people up and helping them, who could've saw that coming? Then again,
I guess most dead bodies don't really request for their wounds to be closed up so I can't blame her uselessness too much,

Ugh whatever.

I grunt in slight pain as I pushed myself into an upright position so that I could observe the room around me, I'm in a peach coloured room, that looks like it could possibly belong to a child.
Considering the shelves lining the walls had dusty old objects covering them I probably wasn't too far off. The rest of the room was pretty basic. A single bed, a window, and a tv.
Hmmm, everything about this seems too.. perfect and neat,
Oh it has too be hiding something.

"Maki" I called as I helped myself up onto two feet, I got no reply,
Confused I looked towards the bed, she wasn't dead was she? I poked her.
Suddenly she whipped around and grabbed my finger with a tight and sturdy grip, catching me off guard
"Ow oww owww!" I yelled as she tightened her grip. Bringing tears to my eyes, "don't touch me you untrustworthy bastard" she stared at my cold and blankly,
That gaze has always sent shivers down me

"Okaaaay. But let go!" I yelped, she finally let go of my poor finger which I instantly pulled back towards me for safety.

At that moment Kaito came through the door, "Hey you two, Himiko made us all breakfast" he grinned
Oh come ON you jackass, you couldn't have come in here a second earlier? That would've been a lot more helpful.

I rolled my eyes and followed Kaito and maki to the petite dining room in the apartment, it was kinda nice. I'm just not gonna question how they gave it to us. Considering people probably know that we've escaped by now..

I'm sure we'll be fine.

Shuichi's POV
My head had been all bandaged up and I was currently sat at an antique-looking old pine table, surrounded by a few chairs of all different makes,
We were eating a plate of bacon and eggs that Himiko had cooked up for us, she was actually an amazing chef, maybe it was her hidden talent or something

At that moment in time Kaito Maki and- Oh, kokichi
walked in, I averted my eyes from kokichi, I still couldn't look at him, not after he pretended to be the mastermind throughout the final trial, did he want us all dead?!

We all sat down and began eating. Kokichi however just sat there staring in my direction, It bothered me but I continued to ignore it , after a while kokichi just left. He hadn't eaten anything, he simply stood up and left to what I assume was his room,

this.. was worrying

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