Chapter Four: Idiots

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'Aaliyah . ' He said

We made Eye contact and suddenly a wave of heat took over and I grew this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had the instinct that something was gonna go wrong but as much I wanted to help I couldn't allow myself to do it . I don't do drama. It's not who I am . Plus my parents would kill me for it .

"Hey , I'm talking to you new kid . " one of the boys said.

'Are you talking to me ? ' Jermaine replied , as he looked around the hallway like he was dumb or had ADHD and couldn't focus on a thing.

I chuckled to myself 

like how dumb could this boy be man

"Oh no , I'm talking to the ghost standing behind you. Duh I'm talking to you boy! " He responded while pushing Jermaine

the boys behind him bursted out in laughter

Ha Ha ... said Jermaine sarcastically. Nah um,  actually I don't think you are talking to me and please don't touch me . ' Jermaine responded

"So then who tf am I talking to then huh ?! Don't test me ! And what are you gonna do about it " The boy said still touching him

Look I ain't tryna-' he was interrupted

the boy throws a punch and it lands and breaks Jermaine's nose.

"DAMNNNN! " Mia shouted out


She never knows when to keep her damn mouth shut I swear

Jermaine fell down to the floor landing on his back ... the hallway roared with ooo's and ahhhh's. The boy got on top of Jermaine and beagn punching him repeatedly in his face but, Jermaine blocked a good portion of the punches. As he sat there being pummeled and beat on the boy friends joined in kicking him . Everyone sat there with their phones out recording the whole thing. I don't do drama so I didn't say anything but something took over me and I did something I never thought I would do .

I throw a punch and it connects with the boy's jaw... the boy body drops to the floor and he grunts in pain

In thoughts: I punched him ... I- wait what the F- ! SERIOUSLY !! I just punched him . Oh my god 

All his friends looked at me like I was crazy stupid or both

What the FUCK ! You stupid bitch ! ' he yelled

"Now here is what's gonna happen ... your gonna leave him alone . Don't approach him . The next time you approach him I will chop off your dick along with your balls .. fry them and feed them to you . DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! " I said in a question

he looked at me with disgust written all over his face 

'DO... YOU...UNDERSTAND...ME?! ' I said slower . Maybe he didn't understand .

"Yes ma'am! " The boy responded.

'Good.' I smiled .

The boy got up and grabbed his friends and they made their way down the hallway to the cafeteria 

5 minutes later

in thoughts: I can't believe I just punched him ... what the hell is wrong with me ? i stood up for someone i don't even know ! 

"Thanks for your help . " He thanked me

'Yeah , no I wasn't helping you . Believe me . Even if I did you can believe that it will NEVER and I mean NEVER happen again . Understand ! ' I replied

"Oh yes ma'am , I understand completely . " he responded.... a smirk appeared on his face 

Of course !

'Ughhh *scoff * get up and clean yourself ! ' I told him

He stood up and brushed himself off and walked off to the bathroom to clean his face.

"Thanks again ma" *winks *

I grabbed Mia and walked away from his childishness into the cafeteria for lunch 

my parents are going to MURDER ME .

End of day 

The bell rang and I get up from my desk and ran as fast as flash out of the school to meet Mia by her car

Aaliyah ? ' Mia called my name

"Yes Mia ? What is it ?!" I questioned her

' I - I ... I just- I just wanna say I am deeply in love with you ... I swear , with how you handled the situation at lunch .. YOU KNOCKED THAT BOY ON HIS ASS ' she started babbling getting louder as she continued

" Mia why do you always have to be so loud ... omg bring it down for once ! " I responded

She laughed at me and we hopped in her car. She started the ignition and began the drive to my house

In Mia's Car

' Hey , I'm not saying you like him . I'm just saying I think you care about him if you risked your damn life punching that jock like you did ' she continued

"Mia for the last time man , I don't care about him something took over me jeez !" I responded

'Exactly you wanna know what that was ... the feeling of you caring about him . ' she said with this I'm smarter than you tone .

"Shut up before I punch you in your face . " I responded in this I'm serious tone .

we hopped out her car and walked up to my front door.

"Mia ... before we go in this house . Do not . I repeat , DO NOT tell my parents anything about the fight that happened today okay? " I clarified to her

'Okay , I got you ... I won't say a word ! ' she responded

I stuck the key in the lock and twisted the door knob. I opened the door and we dropped our bags and took off our shoes

MOM ... DAD ! YALL HOME ?!! ' I shouted out

"Yes sweetheart, we are in the kitchen ! " my mom responded

we walked into the kitchen to see my mom and dad sitting at the island table 

How was school today ? ' My mom asked

"Oh it was the same ole thing nothing big . " I responded

'Liar ! Liar ! School was super interesting today '  said Mia

"Shut up! " I whispered. 

I looked at her with the remember what we talked about outside face

'Ohh, right . My bad! ' she mouthed to me

' What happened at school ?! ' Both my parents asked while staring at me

" Nothing happened y'all . !" I responded

" mmm okay if you say so ." My parents responded back to me in disbelief.

silence falls in the room and I felt the heat rush over me ... that uneasy feeling came to the pit of my stomach and then all of a sudden 

' AALIYAH GOT IN A FIGHT TODAY ! ' Mia blurted out then tried to cover her mouth .

I am going to kill her ... I am going to kill her . I repeated to myself before I found myself blacking out.

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