Chapter Fourty: I'M SORRY !

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Let the games begin

I made my way over towards him and I lower myself making eye contact with him yet again.

" Why ? Why did you torture them ? Did someone pay you ? " I questioned him


" Hello ... is there anyone there ? " I questioned him AGAIN


" Hello ? NO ? NOTHING ! hmm... alright you don't want to talk thats fine . I'll make you talk " I spoke out . I stood up straight and make my way over the table which was now covered in my tools. I grabbed my hammer and made my way back over to the helpless shell of man.

"I'm going to give you one more chance to answer my question before I break every last bone in your fingers " I retorted


" No, okay then ! " I leaned up straight and let a laugh escape my mouth.


I slammed the hammer down on to his thumb .... he scorched out in pain throwing his head as tears started to once against stream down his face . This was music to my ears and I wasn't prepared to stop until I got what I wanted .

' AHH, WHAT THE HELL MAN ! ... Please , Please just stop. Just let me go man please. I'll give you money , anything just let me go . ' He pleaded for his life

" Tsk, Tsk,Tsk. wrong answer love . " I responded waving my finger side to side in front of his face.

Crack.. Crack.. Crack

I slammed the hammer down onto three more fingers breaking the bone in each . He continued to grunt and scream in pain . I could see in his face he was becoming restless but that did not matter to me. I came here for one thing and I was going to receive it one way or another. I stood up and walked over to the table placing the hammer down . I decided to give him abreak from the torture maybe he would give In and give me what I want.

I removed my hood and walked back over to him . I leaned back down making eye contact before I decided to speak

" Now, That you can see my face clearly . I'm pretty sure that you are aware of who my brother is" I pointed to X . He removed his hood and walked over towards us .

The man's face soon became a face of fear and despair. He looked as if he saw the devil himself an was praying to the almighty above for help. He seemed more desperate then fearful and in that moment I knew that I had him right where I wanted him

" Now all we want is answers nothing more nothing less. You are making this really difficult for us and I don't like anything or anyone that is difficult . It's not my strong suit. So here is what is going to happen. You are going to give me... US the answers we are looking for and you wil be truthful . if you choose to not cooperate then I will take that machete over there and chop your dick and balls off . Then im going to take that ice pick and shove it up your ass. I'm not even close to being done and once I'm finally finished with you I am going to light a match and set you along with this whole place on fire. Do you understand me ? " I explained hoping that maybe just maybe he would disobey just so I could watch him burn alive.

He continued to look up at the sky , hoping that somebody anybody would hear his prayer .

" Shh. Shhh. Sh . It's okay all you have to do is answer our questions and we will let you go . Alright ? " I told him

In thoughts : I know what your thinking and the answer is NO . Hell No were not going to let him go

I turned around to go to the sink and wash my hands before starting our next experiment . As soon as I turned around I heard a familar voice speak out in a soft tone.

' What the hell , Jermaine ! '

I looked around the room trying to pin point where the voice came from . I looke at the cabinet that stood 6 feet tall to see a head peaking out around the corner.

" Come on , No need to hide " I spoke out . The body stayed hidden behind the cabinet not moving . It was almost as if the person had died of shock. I soon became fascinated and intrigued by the game that was being played and my demons enjoyed a good game as well. One spoke to me ..

" Shoot . Shoot Now " the voice boomed at me

I grabbed my pistol off the table and I cocked the gun back. I began to enter rounds and rounds into the cabinet. I spent at least seven rounds . I heard the shells dropping against the floor as each bullet penetrated the wood . I stopped shooting and put my gun back onto the table .

" Okay now I am going to give you a chance to come out with your hands up or next time I won't miss. " I spoke out , waiting patiently for the person to show themself .

A minute or two later , I saw the body slowly get up from off the ground . The person has one hand up and the other on their stomach . They slowly begin to walk from behind the cabinet and The person was penetrated by one of the bullets . It was .....


In thoughts : Aaliyah . I shot aaliyah , what the fuck . Oh no no no

" NO NO NO NO NO . Aaliyah. Aaliyah baby please , please no . Fuck ! " I screamed out . I ran towards her as fast as I could and I grabbed her . I was on my knees and she was laying in my arms. She looked lifeless and I started to go balistic . I saw the blood leaking out of her side and I placed her hand back on her stomach .

" Keep pressure on it baby girl. Just hold on . I won't let you die I promise . Just stay with me . okay? think about our kids . Our beautiful kids that we are suppose to have . Your suppose to be my wife . You are my wife . You are not leaving me . Not now ... Not ever. Do you understand me ? " I screamed at her with tears running down my face. I saw her eyes begin to close and her breathing started to slow down . Her hand fell from off her side and down to the floor . I now had her lifeless body in my hands . I laid her down on the floor and I performed CPR . I breathed into her mouth and then did three heart compressions . I repeated that cycle . I wouldn't let her die . I couldn't let her die. I felt a hand on my shoulder it was X .

' I'm sorry bro, but she's gone ' He spoke two words I never thought I would have to hear .


" NO , NO ! what do you mean she's gone. She can't be gone . She's not gone ! " I screamed out . I laid my head on her chest and the tears just started to flow non stop . I held her body against mine like my life depedned on it .

' Come on bro, we have to go now ! ' X told me

I just sat there . My hands were now covered in her blood and I couldn't bring myself to leave her. X walked over to me and picked me up . He wrapped my arm around his shoulder and walked me out of the building . He lit a match and threw it inside the room burning both Aaliyah and the man's body . He dragged me upstairs to the main floor and out the double doors. We made outside before....


I can't believe she's gone .

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