Chapter Eleven: A DATE ?!

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At Mia's Locker

"Took yo grasshopper looking ass long enough to get here " I shouted at her

'I know yo t-Rex my arms to short head ass ain't talkin' she replied

I loved Mia because we can always talk about each other and not get all up in our feelings

' now what was sooooooo urgent that yo bald headed ass had to make me come to my own locker ... it's not even lunch yet ! ' she said

"First of all ... it is LUNCH ! Slow as hell ! She noticed all the kids walking into the hallway. Second of all if you must know i want to talk to you abo- " she interrupted me

' Wait , wait ! LET ME GUESSS. Would it just so coincidentally be about ... JERMAINE ! ' she shouted . She was past excited about this !

" Maybe " i whispered to her " Mia I don't know what is going on with me !" I added

' Ain't nothing going on with you baby ... come here , come talk to mama and tell her what's wrong ' she responded

"Man ,Alright so - " I started

15 minutes later 

I explained everything to her from the club, to him following me back on instagram, and finally to what had just happened in 3rd period .. I ain't tell her about the dream . She can't handle that much info! All she could do was look at me with these got damn goo-goo baby eyes ... like if this girl don't get on with that shit

"Mia .. Hello !! " I said "AYEE if you don't fix your face I'm gonna do it for you ! " I added

' Awe li-li has a crush on Jermaine... Jermaine and Liyah sitting in the tree K-I-S-S ' 

" Shut up ... childish ass! " I interrupted her

' Hey Hey don't be mad at me because you have a crush ' she replied , cheesing super hard

" Whatever Mia... what am I suppose to do ! Like I be acting a damn fool around him.. stuttering and shit! " I told her

' well baby cakes , I don't know what you can do just- ' she said before the second bell for lunch rang


' Anyways back to what I was saying i don't know what you can do but if you really don't have a crush like you say... then you don't have anything to worry about ' she responded

" Yeah bu- " I got interrupted

' Hey Aaliyah , can I talk to you real fast ' he said

" Hold up ... don't you see me having a conversation with my best friend !?" I responded back to him

' Uh yes ma'am . But , I want to talk to you about something real quick if you don't mind .' he responded .  ' Do you mind if I borrow her for a minute ?! ' he asked Mia

" No , not at all ... she is free to go !" Mia responded

" I am going to fucking KILL YOU !" I mouthed to her .

he grabbed my hand and pull me away to his locker not even a full yard away 

Jermaine's Locker 

" What is it that you want ?! Why did you need to talk to me ? And what is up with you touching me ?" I asked him

he just stares at me and licks his lips

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