Chapter Thrity-Seven : HIM

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Inside the warehouse 

I stood at the door frame frozen in place. It was HIM, the man before me . It was the man I have been searching the last five years for . I finally have him . He might not remember me now but, he will after tonight. 

X's POV :

 bzz... bzzz

I looked down at my phone to see a text that read..

New Message: J 

J : This is the night we have been waiting for . Get ready and meet me at 16285 MLK Avenue, Washington D.C 20003 in 30 minutes.

I locked my phone and sat down on my bed. My heart beat began accelerating , I became lightheaded and my blood began to boil. I can't believe the night is here . This is the night where I finally get to have my revenge not only for me but for my mom too . I have been waiting three years for this day and it is finally here. I hopped into the shower and let the hot steaming water make it's way down my body calming any tense nerves or bones that were in my body. 

15 minutes later

I hopped out of the shower to Too Good by Drake and Rhianna blastign through my speakers. I walked out of my bathroom into my bedroom heading straight to my closet. I grabbed my all black adidas jumpsuit along with my all black nike harauches and my black bandana to match. Can't have nobody seeing my face. I sprayed some Gucci cologne and made my way out of my bedroom . I grabbed my wallet, keys and phone stopping by my full size mirror. I took a minute to look at myself before walking out of my apartment into the parking lot . I hopped in my car and put the address into my phone. I blasted Bryson Tiller's TrapSoul album through my speakers and sped down the road. 

This is going to be an interesting night 

30 minutes later 

I arrived at the warehouse to see Jermaine standing out leaning against his car. 

In thoughts: I got this , im ready 

I stepped out of my car and memories began coming back to me of the last time i saw him . All i remember is him making a promise to me that things would get better. He came up with a plan and told me to be ready when the day came for it to be put into action ( tonight ) . Then my dad showed up with mom and my dad was dragging me away . I couldn't control myself and i let the tears fall from my eyes . My dad was getting into Jermaine's face calling him a disgrace and telling him to stay away from his family. I never looked at my father the same after that day. 

" Jermaine ? " I questioned him. I haven't seen my brother in three years and the last time I saw him it didn't end in the best way . 

' Aye, What's up little bro ? ' he replied. I could tell by the look on his face he was thinking about something. After a minute or two, I saw tears start to fall down his face and I couldn't help but to let mine fall too . He bringed me into this big brotherly embrace and we sat there and cried for as long as we needed. 

5 minutes later

" Alright , enough of this crying shit . You ready ? " I questioned him

' Hell Yeah , I'm ready . Are you ready ? " he questioned back

" Hell yeah . I'm ready. Been waiting for this for three years. " I responded

' Shit I been waiting for 5 years but enough talking. Let's go . ' he stated

He grabbed his duffel bag and I grabbed mine we walked into the abandoned building and flashbacks of the kidnapping came rushing back to me at once. I started to feel my eyes burn with tears and all I wanted to was break down. 

In thoughts: Not again

Aaliyah's POV :

I arrived in front of the address after thrity minutes of driving . It looked like an abandoned warehouse and I started to think that maybe I was at the wrong address. I mean why would Jermaine come to an warehouse to " pay someone a visit" I could understand that person's house but a fucking warehouse this makes no sense . I was getting ready to pull off until I noticed a 2010 black 7-series BMW parked next to an all black Jeep Cherokee in the parking lot . 

In thoughts:  That's Jermaine's car . Wait I know that other car from somewhere .

I hopped out of my car , making sure I grabbed my phone , keys, wallet, and pocket knife just in case he got kidnapped. I mean you always have to be prepared for the worst and honestly, I will kill somebody before I get kidnapped. I went up the stairs to the big red painted double doors and tried to pull on them , thinking maybe the door would open .

In thoughts : Nope . Fuck ! Think Aaliyah Think .

I looked around everywhere for a loophole that would help me get inside the building without being noticed or alarming . I looked around the entire building until I noticed there was a window opened . I went over to the window and looked inside . It seemed to lead to a basement .

In thoughts: Do I really want to crawl through this window ? I mean do i really ? 

I got on my knees and pushed the window opened as far as it could go and I soon began crawling through the window foot first. After a few seconds of struggling , I made it through the window to be met with cold hard concrete flooring . The floor was a dark gray and the walls were made of brick and the wall looked to peeling off. I looked around to see a large wooden table , a large gray colored pole in the middle , along with a wooden chair and a sink in the far left corner of the room . I walked to the large sized wooden door , I was about to turn the door knob until I heard two pairs of footsteps making their way down the hallway . The footsteps stopped right outside of the door  and my heart beat began to beat at 100 mpb I didn't even know that was possible. I heard someone grab the door knob so I pantically searched around the room for somewhere to hide. I noticed a tall wooden cherry blossom colored cabinet , I ran behind it and squatted down hiding my body . I peaked my head around the corner, I saw one tall figure make it's way into the room and he was carrying a duffle bag along with a ... body ? He dropped the duffel bag onto the floor following by the body . 


I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to remain as silent as I possibly could . The tall figure picked up the body and placed him in the chair tying him up with rope. I couldn't really make out who the person was their face was being protected by a black hoodie. The figure then made their way to the sink in the far corner and began washing their hands . 

Smack ... Smack  

The figure w=began to smack the man being tied down to the chair .

" Wakey Wakey , Sleepyhead . Time to get up and answer some questions " th evoice boomed throughout the room . The man slowly opened his eyes and beagn to panick . The sound was muffled due to his mouth being gagged with a rag . The tall figure soon pulled out a pocket knife and held it to the mans throat . 

In thoughts : what the fuck is going on . 

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