Chapter Fourty- Five : Life or Death

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King !

What the fuck is he doing here ! How did he even get here . How does he even know where I live at !

" what the hell are you doing here ? " I questioned

' I told you I was picking you up for dinner ' he answered like it was obvious

" first of all , I told you I'm not going ... second of all , how do you even know where I live at . Third of all , don't show up to my house unannounced what's wrong with you " I explained , what the hell is wrong with everybody . Losing their damn minds .

' first of all , I would have announced myself if you didn't block me . Second of all , don't worry about how I got here . Third of all , you are going now go get dressed . ' he responded , stepping close to me

In thoughts : What the fuck is this !

" She said she is not going so how about you get off her doorstep . " I heard a voice boom from behind me .

' who the fuck are you ! ' he spat

" That is none of your business . Now get off her doorstep . " the voice continued

' how about you shut the fuck up or make me get off her doorstep . This don't involve you anyway . This grown folks business ' he replied .

" first of all , your not old enough to know what grown folk business is . Second of all , I'm in her house so it does involve me . Third of all , I won't say it again ... get off her doorstep . Respect your elders . Ain't that what your mama tell you " the voice explained. If you haven't figured it out by know ... it's Jermaine .

' elders ? Where at ? You ain't old enough to be my elder . Now come on baby girl . Go get dressed . ' he replied , directing his eyes to me .

" I am not going . Get that through your thick skull " I retorted back . I swear this boy slow or something.

' your going wherever I say your going . Now Go Get Dressed ' he replied , grabbing my wrist and squeezing it . I felt the blood flow stop from him cutting the circulation .

In thoughts : did he just fucking touch me !

I didn't have my gun and at this point I wish I would have brought it with me . I'm ready to blow his head clean off his shoulders . Show up to my house unannounced and try to tell me what I'm doing to do . I think the fuck not !


I look up to see the boy ( King) on the ground and Jermaine standing over top of him . King stood up and walked up to Jermaine swinging at him . Jermaine dodged the hit and punched King in his mouth busting his lip . King's eyes turned dark brown and I could see his eyes were filled with agitation . He continued to throw punches at Jermaine having every single punch being dodged . Jermaine punched him in the face and King fell to the ground once again. Jermaine was hovering over him and I saw him pull out his gun . It was now pointed at Kings face and the tensions began to rise . King had a look of carelessness on his face . He was acting nonchalant like this wasn't the first time it has happened . It looked as if he wasn't afraid of dying . Jermaine pulled his gun back and spoke ...

" leave her the fuck alone . The next time you show up to this house you better hope and pray I'm not here cause if I am I will end your life . Then drop your body on your mothers doorstep " he spat at King . He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house closing the door behind us and locking it .

I looked up to make eye contact with Jermaine . His eyes were dark and filled with irritation and darkness . I could tell he was pissed off and I didn't want to know what would come next . I walked past him into the living room sitting down on the couch .

" who was that ! " he spoke out . I knew his was going to be bad

' I don't know some guy I met when I went laser tagging ' I responded 

" just some guy , how the hell did he get your address . Why did he show up here . I mean it's obvious he had plans with you ! " he stated , his voice was becoming deeper and louder with every word

' yes just some guy ,The hell ! I don't know how he got my address. I mean he said he would take me to dinner but I declined that obviously when I blocked him. ' I replied , I was becoming annoyed with this conversation .

" yeah whatever . Aaliyah " he mumbled .

' no don't you dare do that . You don't get to be mad , after everything you have put me through . YOU DO NOT GET TO DO THAT ! I wasn't going to go on the date so why does it matter . Your so jealous , I'm not yours . We're not dating . Nothing I do involves you so why are you always putting yourself into things that involve you . I can handle my damn self ! ' I yelled at him . I couldn't control my anger , he is such a hypocrite and I was sick of it .

We sat in silence . His eyes were staring through my soul and the darkness in them was expanding and a smile made a way to his face . I didn't know what to expect . The last time this happened I died . I don't know what to expect ... all I know is that it won't be good . He pushed pass me and walked to my front door . He opened and closed the door behind him. I got off the couch walking to the front door opening it to see him walking to his car . I closed the door behind me and following behind him .

" Do not leave . I am tired of you running away from me . BE A MAN FOR ONCE ! " I screamed at him. I covered my mouth and stood frozen in place . What did I just do .

He turned around and looked at me.

' be a man ? Really Aaliyah '  he questioned . He walked over to me and we stood not a full inch apart . He looked down at me and his eyes were pitch black . His face was expressionless and his body language was unreadable . My breath was hitched in my throat and I became inaudible. I just stared into his eyes hoping for an answer maybe even a sign of some sort .I found myself blanking out . My mind flashed back to how I was in paradise . I felt at peace, there was no worries , no pain . Everyone was happy and humble . I thought about my parents and my brothers. I thought about Mia and when I first met her. I felt like I was dying and I was being shown the story of my life. And this was my ending . I was brought out of my gaze when I noticed Jermaine bending down on one knee . He grabbed my hand in his and held it tight .

" Aaliyah , I know their past month has not been the easiest for you and I am sorry for that . I hope maybe one day you will be able to forgive me . This is nerve wrecking and I wish it was under better circumstances. I never thought I would be doing this soon but ... Aaliyah Marie Niaba . " he explained

My breathing was hitched in my throat . I couldn't speak ... I couldn't breathe . I was drowning in my own thoughts and all I wanted was for someone to save me . 

" Aaliyah Marie Niaba , will y- " he paused

The sound of a gun cocking back snapped me out of my thoughts . I looked up and I was frozen in place and time . Everything began to move in slow motion all over again and I was paralyzed . I felt my eyes begin to sting with tears and I closed my eyes hoping this was a dream ... Before I could even move ...



I became light headed and my eyes were filled with tears . I dropped down to my knees and I felt my heart stop . I took a breath before everything went black .

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