Chapter Twelve: Mom and X

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Jermaine's POV:

I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door to my apartment... HOME SWEET HOME .

" woof woof ", I heard as soon as I entered the room. A few seconds later ,  hear little foot patters and see my six  month old puppy 'baby' charging at me *

' Hey baby , how my sweet girl doing today ?! I cooed to her . I leaned down to her and kissed her on the nose. You want a treat huh ? '  I called out to her then reached on top of the fridge and gave her a treat.

"woof woof " she barked again . I set my back pack down and walked to my bedroom 

In thoughts: Damn , ya boy did it . Ya boy got a date with her . Oh man I can't wait for this ! I'm gonna give this girl the world I'm - I got interrupted by my phone ringing great who could this be 

 I look down at my phone and see a  random number that read : 202-962-5754 

Man this Better not be somebody playing on my damn phone

* brnnnggg....brrrnnnngggg.brrrnnngggg*

' Hello? ' I said


' HELLOOOOOO! ' I repeated myself

..... still no answer

' Heyy .. whoever this is you better stop playing on my phone . Before You get your ass beat.. real live ! ' I yelled I was getting pissed off

.......still nothing .

Okay whatever ' I said before I hung up the phone

I felt myself dozing off into a deep sleep so I didn't fight myself ... I let my mind take me away to another world

One hour later

' Help ..somebody pleaseee... HELP US PLEASE! ' I heard a soft voice yell

" What is this place ! " I whispered to myself as I walked through the abandoned building

' Somebody Pleaseeeee! ' the voice screamed

i ran as fast as I could to where the voice had came from ... I made it to the room when I saw this big tall black wooden door... I busted through the door to see the one thing I hope and prayed for to never see

" Mom? " My voice cracked and I was on the verge of breaking down .

' Jermaine honey , oh thank goodness ' she said while tears were streaming down her face 'Jermaine honey . You have got to help us get out of here , please !' She begged

I just stood there frozen ... I couldn't believe what the fuck I was witnessing in front of my very eyes. My mom and ....... XAVIER ! What the fu— , They were both tied up to a pole they look as though they have been starved for days , haven't bathe in days and haven't slept in days .  It's almost as though they were slowly fading away ... then I felt a tear rush down my face.

' please Jermaine , listen to me you have to untie us ... we need to get out of here now ! ' my mom said to me yanking me out of my thoughts

"Okay okay .. ummmm- So how -how do I - I mean how do I get y'all out of here? " my voice continued to crack the more I spoke

I went up to them and I took out my pocket knife . I flipped it open and cut the zip ties they had been tied with ... I picked up my mom and I grabbed Xavier and we walked out the room . It was cold and pitch black with only a small light in the middle . There was no furniture just a pole in the middle it looked like one of the those places where a drug deal would go down at ! 

' Hey, did you hear that ? ' I heard one voice say, It sounded like a guy

" Yeah , it came from the room ... let's go check it out ! ' the other voice responded , this voice was different. It sounded like a ...woman?

All we heard was footsteps coming our way and I began to panic. I didn't want my mom or Xavier to be tied up again they been through enough as it is .

" go , go somewhere and hide ! " I said to them

'Jermaine I am not about to have you sit here and get killed ' my mom said to me

" MOM GO NOW ... IM NOT GONNA LET YOU SUFFER ANYMORE NOW GOOOO! " I yelled at her and pushed her away . I didn't want to put my hands on her but , I couldn't stand her being hurt anymore or worse ... KILLED !

she grabbed Xavier and they ran behind a wall... * click click * I turned around to see theis couple? one man and a woman. They both looked to be in their early 30's the female had a gun pointed at me 

'  Well well well, looks like the mama Boy came to the rescue to help his mommy ' she said in a baby voice

" Yeah ... well since he wants to be the big hero let's show him where heroes end up around here"  the man said

She cocked her gun back while it was still pointed at me... I looked at the wall where my mom and Xavier were and I mouthed " I Love You" to the both of them and then

*Pow. *

In the Bedroom

*heavy breathing *

what ... the ... fuck.... just happened !

I woke up sweating to look out my window and see it was still dark outside ... I picked up my phone that was now on the floor beside my bed and clicked the home button ... a bright light blinded me and the time read : 8:30 pm . I sighed , got up and went to my bathroom

What the fu- ! Man I gotta get out of here ! " I said to myself as I got undressed and went to go take my shower

I pull back the curtain ... i start the shower as I wait for the water to get hot . The bathroom became covered in steam and I put on some music ... Tupac - Dear Mama blasted through the speakers on my phone 

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