Chapter Thirty: Her Part Two

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In thoughts: If only she knew how bad I wanted her . I'm listening to her story and it makes me crave her . I can't but help to get an erection. I wanted her . My demons wanted her. They craved her . They craved her craziness . Her ruthlessness . Her insanity . They craved everything about her and I could not control them .

After a few more punches , the security guard managed to grab me off of her . I saw students with their cell phones out . I saw students covering their mouths in fear . I saw students crying . I even saw students calling 911 . The guard put my hands behind my back and walked me down the hallway into the office . I saw red and blue lights appearing outside . The world was starting to slow down . There were police officers and paramedics running towards her . It was like they were in slow motion . I was in slow motion . After a few minutes , the police officer found me and indicated me that I had killed her . In that moment I didn't  care ... I couldn't help but too laugh . I couldn't help but to be happy no matter what consequences would come from them .

' You are under arrest , you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law ' the police officer read me my rights

The world slowed down once again , all the voices faded and I could only hear myself . I walked out the building in handcuffs and was put into a police car . I saw students and staff staring at me . I was interrupted when I heard a voice speak to me

' congratulations you won . I think we will get along just fine babygirl ' the voice spoke .

( imagine her laughing )

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( imagine her laughing )

It was the voice inside my head . A grin appeared on my face and I was taken to the station . They put my fingerprints in their system and took me to juvenile. I spent two year in juvenile before I was released this year . While I was there I went under psychiatric care. My parents always came to visit me and would write me letters they would always say that ... my flaws are a part of me . They made me who I am . After a while , I didn't recognize who I was and that scared me so I vowed after that day that I would stop fighting ... that I would be a better person . I would be a better me and ever since then I have.

In thoughts: Woah , she might have to marry me . I don't think she will have a choice in this one .

" You- you j- you just might have to marry me . I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if you don't even want to hear this but Aaliyah .. you might have to marry me " I blurted out.

In thoughts: I didn't care . She was the one I wanted . She was the one I needed . My demons were on a complete rampage at this point . They were scolding at me and I couldn't control them . They wanted her and they were going to get what they wanted regardless . Who knows though, maybe she can relieve me of my demons . Maybe she can make them all go away or maybe not . We will find out .

' Okay , ask your questions. ' she stated blankly

In thoughts: wow she really is like me

" I don't think I have any questions . Honestly!" I replied back  . I was in complete awe of her .

' what !! I told you I went to juvenile. I was under psychiatric treatment and you don't even want to question why I was there ! I mean I killed someone and you don't want to ask me anything ' she replied back in complete shock .

In thoughts: You know what she is right !

" Your right . I do have one question actually ! " I spoke out

' Okay shoot , what your question ? ' she asked me

" Did you know that you are my kryptonite ? Did you know that you are the girl I have been waiting my entire life for ? " I questioned

' Um, No wait ... I'm your what ? How the hell could I be your kryptonite ? You don't know me . Barely ' she questioned back .

In thoughts: I guess we can answer a question with another question . Lmao

" You didn't connect the dots yet baby girl ? " I asked her . I could feel the soothing warm feeling of darkness taking over me . My demons were starting to resurface .

' Just tell me ' she stated almost like she was annoyed

" Do you really not see it ? How differently I act when I am around you ? Do you not see how i become filled with lust and sexual desire ? Do you not see that you drive me insane . The way you talk to me , your looks , your mentality . Your sanity . You really can't see any of it? I questioned her .

I looked up to see nothing but a smirk on her face . She really is crazy.

She's my type of crazy .

Aaliyah's POV:

You really can't see any of it ?  Your my kryptonite

In thoughts : Those words replayed in my head like a broken record. All I could think about was him . My demons roared at me . They wanted him . They craved him . They craved someone to connect with. All I could think about was what would life be like with him . The both us being lost in each other's darkness... each other's crazy . The both of us being feared by anyone who dared to challenge us .

' Aaliyah ... come on snap out of it . ' he interrupted my thoughts waving his hand in front of my face

I hate when he does that . 

" what I'm here .. what time is it ? " I questioned

' 4:15 ' he stated

" In the morning !! " I shouted at him

' No in the afternoon ! Yes in the morning ' he replied

" I didn't need your sarcasm . Thanks " I responded

' Damn ma , feisty ! I like it ' he spoke before smirking at me .

Whatever !

" Well it's late as hell and I would prefer for you to not drive your ass home at this time of night with cops Roaming around so you are welcomed to stay here " I explained to him . He looked at me like he saw God himself

' What ? Are you serious right now !! ' he questioned , more like stated .

" Woah , your getting too damn excited there buddy boy . Yes you are welcomed to stay here but you will be sleeping on the couch. " I replied

' That's perfectly fine with me . This couch comfortable anyway . ' he spoke before letting a laugh escape his lips

" Okay well , I will be right back . " I told him before running up the steps .

I walked into my room and went to my closet . I opened the second drawer and pulled out some nike booty shorts and my tank top to match . I switched into my PJ's and walked down the stairs . I sat down on the couch to see him staring at me

" What are you looking at ? " I questioned while mugging him

He licked his lips before biting down on the bottom one .

In thoughts: Fuck , somebody help me . I mean it's bad enough he fine as hell But, his lips . Man , his lips will be the actual death of me . They are full and pink . They look juicy and so plump . It reminds me of a perfectly shaped grapefruit .

' Your just so damn sexy , I can't help it ' he finally spoke

" Yeah whatever ! Turn your eyes to the tv screen " I instructed turning his head straight .

We sat and binged watched a whole season of family guy . I looked at the time and it read 7:00am .

Shit... I need to go to sleep and with that I dozed off into a deep slumber .

Goodnight All

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