Chapter Twenty - Eight : Getting To Know EachOther

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After being grabbed , I managed to look back and see someone putting their ear towards the boy mouth to see if he was breathing . I was taken to the office . I sat in the office for what seemed to be hours.  I saw police cars and a ambulance pull into the parking lot . My principal informed me that my parents were contacted and that they would be on their way .

I nodded my head in understanding and continued to stare blankly with no form of expression on my face

30 minutes later

My parents walked in to the office with me trailing behind and two cops following me . We reached the principal office and sat down . Everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence before my principal spoke to me .

' Jermaine , can you - can you explain to me what happened ? ' She asked me .

I couldn't speak . I didn't want to talk . I didn't want to have to explain why I did what I did ! After a few attempts from her , my mom and my dad the police officer finally spoke out .

"Okay son since you don't want to talk you will listen to me . " the police officer spoke

I made my gaze to the police officer indicating that I was listening .

' what you did today was brave. You stood up to someone who for many years bullied other kids like you but with bravery comes consequences son . You may have been brave but, you killed a young man . A young man who had a future ahead of him . A young man who was going to be somebody, someday . You may not care , you may not even understand but you are under arrest . ' he explained .

What... The...Fuck !

I felt like time had froze . I felt like I was inside of a nightmare and all I wanted to do was wake up from it . My mom was crying and my dad was comforting her . I could see that I hurt my mom . I could see that I became the one thing I didn't want to be a.  disappointment ! A Murderer. I hurt my mom and I could never forgive myself for that.

The police officer walked towards me and asked me to stand up . I did as I was told and he put the handcuffs around my wrists . He read me my rights and walked me out the building . I felt stares from students , teachers , my principal , and even from my parents . Since I was 15 at the time , they put me into the system and I was sentenced to juvenile detention until I reached the age of 18 . The entire time I was away , I realized that I was alone and all I had was myself . My dad didn't write , visit , he never even called . My mom came to visit she even put money on the phone so i could talk to her . I barely saw X they didn't want him to see me from a jail cell . They didn't want to have to explain how his older brother murdered a boy not even that much older than him with no type of remorse . Ever since that day , my dad disowned me he said his son would have never been capable of committing murder , his son would have known better . My mom still loved me and she didn't treat me different but I knew after that I couldn't go home . So I came here and decided to once again start over .  He explained .

I was frozen . I couldn't believe it ! He killed somebody ? His mom and brother was kidnapped ! It was so much to comprehend and my head felt like it was going to explode any moment now . If only he knew how much we had in common .

" Well... I - I mean that's just . That's fucking insane . I mean you - you killed somebody. Wtf. ! " I could barely speak a sentence that made sense . This was actually insane

'... ask your questions . ' he said with a blank expression on his face

" Right Okay . Umm, so why is it that when you were getting beat up on your first day of school you didn't fight back . I mean you could have but you didn't . " I questioned him . My curiosity peaked . I mean he could have defended himself but chose not to

' Well . Honestly I don't know . I told myself coming here that my life would be different . That I would have a clean slate just like I did in New York . I didn't want to be put into another stereotype . I mean I was in jail . I wanted to forget about my past and move on . Plus if I did defend myself I would have probably killed him and it wouldn't have been on accident . I mean I don't know about you but that doesn't seem like a good idea to me . ' he explained

" Touché. Okay second question , why do you dress like a nerd. ? I mean when I first met you , you looked like Steve Urkel's long lost brother . Does that have to do with you not being another stereotype? I spoke out

' Yes it does . I dress like a nerd so I'm not like everyone else you know . I don't want to be labeled another cocky jock or be looked at or chased after like I'm a piece of food . I wanted to be different . Like I said clean slate which also meant new look . I wanted to be a new person so I created a alter ego I guess . ' he replied back

" I understand that . So next question , where did you move from ? Like I know you came from New York but where were you before ? " I questioned

' I originally was born and raised in Compton, California . I'll have to tell you about it sometime . Maybe even take you there ' he responded before letting a laugh escape from his mouth .

" Cool . I would like that . Last question for now anyway . Do you still talk to your mom or brother ? Do they know that your here ? What about your dad? " I bombarded him with a million different questions

' okay wow . so that was more than just one question but , to answer your questions ... I do still talk to my mom and x from time to time . I try to contact them everyday if I can . No, They do not know that I am here . I kept that part hidden I don't want them to know where I am yet . My dad , wow . Well first of all , I don't consider him to be my dad anymore . He disowned me after the entire incident happened . I don't talk to him and he doesn't talk to me . If we do talk it's mostly just us arguing and nothing else . He will always be my dad. I mean he created me but , my dad would have understood and gave me a chance to explain . He wouldn't have thrown me away like I was a piece of garbage . I don't know you will get more intel on my father later . He explained .

I could see the anger and hurt in his eyes . I couldn't see how a father could just disown his son . I mean I get it he killed somebody but, it's not like that was his overall intention in the first place . It's not like he aimed to kill him . I never had that problem with my parents and I am grateful for that . I just wish things could have been different for him. However , everything does happen for a reason .

' So what about you ?' He questioned me

" What do you mean , what about me ? " I questioned back

" what's your story ? I can see that your not as innocent as your portray yourself to be . You may stay to yourself and get good grades but for a different reason . I know your not a goody two shoes and so that makes me wonder what's your story ! Like I told you before your like a demon just in a very well crafted disguise . I mean come on Aaliyah everyone has their demons , what are yours ? " he answered

" My story ... well my story is different. I mean I'm not sure how your going to react when you hear mine but it's your choice . Just to be clear , No one is a goody two shoes . But here we go ... " I replied .

I guess he was right about one thing . Everyone does has their demons ... If only he knew just how bad mines were then he would know why they are always kept hidden

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