Chapter Seven: The Club

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In the club

' Wassup ma ' He said and smirked

I took a moment to actually take a look at him and wow I was mind blown ... the boy I met on the first day of school as a total and complete nerd had transformed ! He had on black skinny jeans... a white t-shirt that fitted him just right and a pair of space jam Jordan's . He had a head full of waves... he was drowning and a necklace around his neck with the letter J on it . I had to say this boy cleaned up nice outside of school . Looking like a four course meal! he smelled even better like vanilla and cocoa.

" Uhhhhh- " I could barely speak !

' What's up ? What you doing here ? ' He questioned me 

" Uhhh- yeah I could ask the same what the hell are YOU doing here ? And you don't look anything like when I saw you the first day of school !" I said

Yeah I know ! I heard there was a club for teens around here so I decided to check it out and see what it was about ! ' He explained
' But, what are you doing here ?' He added

"None of your damn business . I mean my friend wanted to come here be- pause ! No I don't got to explain anything to you ." I responded

' Yeah , you right ! You don't . ' He bit down on his lip after licking it

In thoughts: damn..his lips were full , pink and plump oh my. Jesus take the wheel

' Come here real quick , I want to talk to you and maybe even show you something. ' He whispered in my ear

"N-Na-Nah I'm good right where I'm at . " I said

'You sure about that ? ' He asked

"Yup!" I said popping the ' P '

I started to walk away ... right before he grabbed my hand 

" What are you doing !? " I said more than asked

In thoughts: what is up with guys grabbing me today !!

' Let me talk to you real fast . ' He repeated himself

"Alright fine .. but you need to let go of my hand I can walk without your help !" I told him

He started laughing

In thoughts: What is so funny ? Why does everyone keep laughing

Jermaine's POV:

* phone rings... brrrnnnnngggg *

I looked down at my phone to see who was calling me ... shit don't nobody call me why start now ! Anyways , after being in my thoughts . I saw his name pop up ... oh hell no ! What do he want ?! He got some nerve calling my phone
Jacob !
My dad don't ever fucking call me .. like EVER! Here's a lil background I don't get along with my dad and he sure as to hell don't get along with me ! After I got arrested and sent to juvie .. he disowned me as his son . He didn't call or visit me . The only person who would call ... visit... or even write was My mom. After I got out ,I disowned him as a father. The last time I saw Jacob was when I was being hauled into a police car ... and he walked away from me . Anyways, I wonder why this pussy was calling me !

*brrrnnnggg...brrrnnnnnggg *

' Hello ! ' his voice boomed through the phone

" what the fuck you want ? You got some nerve Calling my phone bro !" I replied

' watch who you talking to lil Boy . I made you , you better show respect ' he said back

" RESPECT ? HA, what respect . Quit playing with me man ... you ain't made shit now what you want ? " I repeated myself for the second time

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